Advanced DSP Techniques

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Academic Year 2019/20
P21417 – Advanced DSP Techniques
Second Attempt Assessment - Coursework
Deadline for Submission:
Complete both tasks.
Type your report (required for Task 2) and neatly write your answers (required for Task 1) then convert both into a PDF file for submission. Make sure your submission is clear and readable. Illegible sections of your paper will be not be marked.
Upload to Moodle together with any accompanying Matlab code. Matlab code should be provided in the executable form (.m file format) ready to be run and tested. You should also supply any additional data if it is used in your work and illustrated in the report.
Zip all your files and upload to Moodle by the given deadline.
Branislav Vuksanovic
2019-20 Page 1 of 2
Task 1. a) Use diagrams and relevant equations to explain and discuss the application of
adaptive filters in system identification configuration.
[10 marks]
b) Starting with the equation for the mean square error
MSE  J  2  2PTW WTRW derive the Wiener-Hopf equation.
[10 marks]
c) A zero-mean stationary white noise x(n) is applied to a filter with a transfer function:
 
  
z 0.5 z 3
H z
 
 .
Find all filters that can produce the same PSD as the above filter. Are those filters
minimum or maximum phase filters?
[10 marks]
d) Prove that for wide-sense stationary signals:       2 2 2
x x  n  E x n  m n  .
[10 marks]
Task 2.
Your task is to write a short report/paper on the following topic:
Parametric Spectral Estimation Methods
Your paper should provide a brief introduction to this topic, explain the underlying theory and/or
technology, then focus on a particular problem and provide an example (supported with Matlab
code and results). Your report should also have a short summary and conclusion. Report should
be written in IEEE format and limited to max. four pages including all figures, plots and
Marking scheme for the report:
Section Max. Marks
Introduction 10 marks
Underlying Theory 10 marks
Example/Practical Problem 10 marks
Matlab Code and Results 10 marks
Conclusions 10 marks
Overall Impression 10 marks
(More general Report Marking Criteria are provided on the next page)
2019-20 Page 2 of 2
Report Marking Criteria
80% and above (Distinction)
• an outstanding depth and breadth of research, showing exceptional and thorough knowledge of the
relevant field, background research used to identify gaps in research, case-study included and discussed
• exceptional insight, critical analysis and originality, such as might make the work of comparable quality
with published work in its field
• an excellent and well-defined focus, clear structure and outstanding quality of argument
• clearly presented and well written, with no significant errors of syntax or expression
• referencing and bibliographical conventions accurately followed
70-79% (Distinction)
• an outstanding depth and breadth of research, showing thorough knowledge of the relevant field
• outstanding insight, critical analysis and originality, showing the potential to make a real contribution to
the field of study
• an excellent and well-defined focus, clear structure and very good quality of argument
• clearly presented and well written, with no significant errors of syntax or expression
• referencing and bibliographical conventions accurately followed
60-69% (Merit)
• a good range of research, showing a good level of knowledge of the relevant field but no significant gaps
identified, or no case-study provided to support paper report conclusions and claims
• a good level of insight and critical analysis
• a well-defined focus, clear structure and cogent argument
• clearly presented and comprehensible throughout, with very few significant errors of syntax or expression
• referencing and bibliographical conventions adequately followed
50-59% (Pass)
• a sufficient range of research, showing a competent knowledge of the relevant field
• some evidence of insight and critical analysis but no attempt to identify gaps or the elements that could be
improved upon in current works and technology
• an identifiable focus and structure, with some argument
• presented with sufficient clarity to be comprehensible throughout, some errors of syntax or expression
• material used is referenced and a bibliography supplied, but disciplinary conventions may not be fully
40-49% (Fail)
• evidence of relevant research, but with a limited or flawed knowledge of the relevant field
• little evidence of insight and critical analysis
• lack of clarity of focus and structure, and an inadequate argument
• there may be errors of syntax or expression
• material used is referenced, but disciplinary conventions may not be fully or properly observed
0-39% (Fail)
• insufficient research, and a very limited or flawed knowledge of the relevant field
• insufficient evidence of any insight and critical analysis
• lack of focus, structure, and argument
• the prose may be unclear and difficult to comprehend, and there may be serious and frequent errors of
syntax or expression
• insufficient acknowledgment and referencing of material used

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