Sunday 31 October 2021

Best motivational speech topics

UK assignment helper


Best motivational speech topics


What is a motivational speech?


Let us just start by defining a motivational speech. Speeches are of many kinds but the ones that can make you achieve heights are motivational speeches. Inspired speeches motivate and encourage their listeners to strive for difficult goals that will allow them to reach their full potential.

In this blog, we will be talking about the best motivational speech topics for students worthy of changing minds.


The main elements of an effective motivational speech that makes it worthy of changing minds are:

• Create a sense of optimism in your audience so that they will believe what you are saying.

• The audience must believe that the goals are achievable.

• Convey your message with passion and conviction to engage the audience's emotions.

• The audience should be inspired by your 'Can Do' attitude.



Alt caption: Best motivational speech topic infographic

Best motivational speech topics for students

In this part we are going to suggest the top-notch motivational speech topics considering the setbacks, a youth/student can face through his career.



The art of recovering from failure


A disappointing exam result, or the realization that it wasn't you who got the job, but someone else, has all left us feeling frustrated and discouraged at some point. Motivational speech for students is very much required to overcome such things.


To learn from mistakes is to grow. Below there are some methods to cope up with drug cravings.

• Engage in an activity that will keep you occupied.

• Discuss the cravings with someone.

• Your thoughts must be challenged and altered.

• Surf with a burning desire.



The secret of turning your dreams into realities

You must believe in your dreams even if no one else does to realize them. When we hear the term "peer pressure," we usually think of negative impacts or sides of the peers.

Here are some methods which should be included in the motivational speech topic on avoiding negative peer pressure:

• Tell the person to stop whenever he is doing things like this and let the person know how you feel.

• Making an excuse at some points is the best thing to avoid pressure for doing something.

• Know some strategies from an adult for avoiding situations like these.

• Have a friend who can stand up for you or has the same beliefs just like you.



How to admit and learn from mistakes


Because we are all human, we are all prone to making mistakes. There is always a skill in learning from the mistakes and applying them.

A motivational speech topic on mistakes should contain the strategies which a person can follow for not repeating the same mistake;

• Analyzing/looking into the mistake makes you realize things on which you need to work.

• Put the realizations into work and try not to repeat the same mistake.

• Work on re-evaluating the mistakes.




Alt caption: Outstanding motivational speech topic






In this post, we have discussed motivational speech topics on a few of the advanced problems that the youth is facing nowadays. You can always look for videos on these topics if you want more information on overcoming these problems.

Share this post on social media and with your peers as it can help many students getting over these problems. A motivational speech helps a person to overcome the storms in their life. Give your thoughts on this post and learn more about this topic.

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Saturday 30 October 2021

70 Political Science research topics to choose from

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70 Political Science research topics to choose from

Political science deals with the scientific analysis of political behavior and also includes dealing with the state and systems of government. Political Science research topics are one of the most difficult to choose. The topic you choose for your Political Science research paper should be relevant and should have enough information available. Here we have curated a list of Political Science research topics to make your life much easier when you are writing your paper.

Political Science research topics about Conflicts in politics

1.      Conflict of Afghanistan

2.      Immigrants crisis and Mexico

3.      Protest movements

4.      Syrian repression

5.      Causes of civil war

6.      Reagan’s agenda

7.      History of war crimes and Iraq war

8.      Yemen conflict

9.      Donbas war

10.  Central American republic rebellion causes

Political Science research topics about Conflict resolution

1.      African American prisoners’ conflict

2.      Arctica power conflict

3.      Iran conflict of oil

4.      Media bias in news coverage

5.      Personal ambitions in political leaders

6.      Afghanistan collaboration methods

7.      Security conflict after 9/11

8.      Post-war issues of countries

9.      Right and left-wing parties concession

Political Science research topics about Political theory

1.      Austin John Theory

2.      Key figures of Anarchism History

3.      The republic by Plato analysis

4.      Sovereignty by Jean Bodin

5.      Classic theories by Edmund Burke

6.      Foucault disciplinary power

7.      Communism approach and Vladimir Lenin

Political Science research topics about Mediation and negotiation

1.      War negotiations method

2.      Mediation Agreement case study

3.      Analysis of Agenda of Election

4.      Civil Law vs Mediation policy

5.      Analysis on hostage care during negotiations

6.      Mediation Agreement hearing process preparation

7.      Social movements

8.      Dispute resolution alternate methods

9.      Legal clashes in Transnational Corporation

Political Science research topics about Public Law topics

1.      Act 1998 – human rights

2.      Common Morality and Criminal Law

3.      Is it Commercial exploitation or Privacy Law?

4.      Justice Inequality post-conflict

5.      National security complaints

6.      Police interrogation system

7.      Legislators of European Legal history

8.      Gender bias and custody battles

9.      Socio-economic preferences

Political Science research topics about Public administration

1.      Methods for community development

2.      Constitutional vision of John Rohr

3.      Ethics of Nonprofit organizations

4.      Innovations in the private sector of the U.S

5.      Compromises made in environmental management

6.      Strategic planning and fiscal management

7.      Transportation security careers

8.      Public safety benefits

9.      Federal emergency management agency analysis

Political Science research topics about International relations

1.      Malawi and its human rights

2.      Controversies of amnesty international

3.      Power battles of the arctic circle

4.      IMF fund structure

5.      Poverty causes around the globe

6.      NGOs ethical guidelines

7.      Effects and causes of the Syrian conflict

8.      Market distribution of GM foods

9.      Global security networks – an analysis

Political Science research topics about Comparative politics

1.         US vs UK foreign policies

2.         Phenomenon of Apartheid

3.         Anglo-Saxon Traits case study

4.         Communist party hierarchy in china

5.         The ideology of Soviet Union

6.         Parliamentary Democracy vs Presidential Democracy

7.         Developing countries’ recruitments

8.         The US vs Japan – cultural pressure


Choose a Political Science research topic that ignites a passion in you, it is always much easier to write about things we are interested in. do your research and learn about a topic before you fixate on it You should have a clear idea of what you want to write in your Political Science research paper before you start writing.

Friday 29 October 2021

How to use APA reference generator to cite sources

UK assignment helper


How to use APA reference generator to cite sources

When you write an academic paper or a research paper, you will use information from other’s work to support your research paper. But it is important that you use someone else’s work responsibly. Using the sources responsibly means citing the sources used to prevent plagiarism in your writing.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism means “to kidnap” which comes from the Latin word, plagiare. It refers to the act of using or stealing someone else’s work without giving the original author the due credit. It is an illegal act and there are many recursions attached to plagiarism.

What are References and Citations?

You are obliged to use citations and references anytime you use someone else’s work in your work. Citations are to be used when using information, quotes, images, or any piece of information.

Citations refer to the in-line citations included in-between texts to pinpoint the exact information that has been used from the reference. Citations are short forms of references and are placed whereas paraphrasing.

An APA in-text citation includes the last name or names of the author or authors, the publishing year, and the location of the information.

References refer to the list of sources used in the paper at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. It shows the exact locations of the paraphrased information or the information on the web.

An APA style reference includes the author’s name or names, the publishing year, the title of the source mentioned, and the URL of the source.

What is an APA reference?

The APA reference style is created by the organization, American Psychological Association. Today the APA reference style is not only used in the field of psychology but many other fields of education as well.

How to cite in APA reference style using an APA reference generator?

There are many online APA reference generators available today and it is very easy to use one! The pre-requisite being you know what source you are citing. The most popular online APA reference generators for free APA citation are:

     Cite this for me

     Cite fast

     Cite lighter

How to cite a website APA in-text?


If you use information from a website online and want to cite the source in APA style referencing, follow these steps:

1.     Copy the link or the URL of the website you want to cite.

2.     Open a free APA reference generator.

3.    Choose the option to cite a website.

4.    Paste the link or teh URL in teh box.

5.    Click on cite now.

6.    Add any other information such as authors, publication dates, etc. that the tool might have missed.

7.    Complete the citation.

8.    Copy and paste the generated citation to your desired place.




APA reference generators are very popular because of the popularity of the APA referencing style. It is important that you follow the correct way of referencing in APA style in any paper. Once you get the hang of it, it is not even hard to do, especially with the free online APA reference generators.