Paraphrasing (paraphrase) tool

Thursday, 8 July 2021


Paraphrasing (paraphrase) 

Paraphrasing (paraphrase) is writing a piece of text in a different way, and in fact writing sentences in a different way, to avoid plagiarism.  

Let’s take an example.  

“John gave me a present.”àOriginal text 

  1. I was given a present by John. (Paraphrased text) 
  1. A present was given to me by John. (Paraphrased text) 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 


Plagiarism is using a text without permission. This is a serious offence. It might lead to a legal complication(s). That’s why we have paraphrasing (paraphrase).  

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer.  

The scenario 

Let’s take a typical example.  
A university student needs to submit a paper. Now, he has to refer a multitude of books (say) to prepare the paper. Now, if he uses a sentence from a book without permission, his paper would not be accepted because of plagiarism. He has to paraphrase. Needless to say, he has to check his paper with a plagiarism checker.  

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer.  

Evolution of paraphrasing (paraphrase) 

Earlier, people used to manually paraphrase. Now, there are paraphrasing (paraphrase) tools available. There are many. Some sites should offer a plagiarism check also.  

Now, a typical paraphrasing (paraphrase) site offers a drag &drop facility. Copy &paste is the other choice. There’s another choice, adding a file. Files in .doc, .docx, .txt, .ppt, .pptx and .pdf formats are accepted. With the push of a button, the text is processed and put into a unique form (usually) in seconds (it takes time for a long text although). Unique form is a form that has passed the plagiarism test. Refer (paraphrase)-tool.html  

Popular places include:-  

  1. Paraphrasing (paraphrase) service UK (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. Articlematic (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. RewardedEssays (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. Jetwriters writing services (Paraphrasing tool) 
  1. (Paraphrasing tool) 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Paraphrasing (paraphrase) tools 

Now let’s go over some paraphrasing (paraphrase) tools. 

  1. Grammarly (Paraphrasing tool)  

These people offer a great writing, simplified. You can compose bold, clear, error-free writing with an AI-powered writing assistant. Around 30 million people use Grammarly to enhance their writing.  

Grammarly has a free paraphrasing (paraphrase) tool.  

Grammarly is free. 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer.  

  1. Paraphrasing (paraphrase) Tool-Free Online Text Rewriting Tool (Paraphrasing tool) 

If you need to paraphrase or rewrite essays and articles or to find new ways to express phrases, sentences or single words, you need this tool. Your goal may be to remix text for a website, paper, business document, email or tweet. This tool will do the job. Things which stand to benefit from this tool range from expanding blog and website footprint on the web with good content to facilitating brainstorming for an essay or a project of creative writing.  

https://paraphrasing (paraphrase) 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

  1. Paraphrasing (paraphrase) Tool | QuillBot AI (Paraphrasing tool) 

QuillBot’s paraphrasing (paraphrase) helps a lot of people rewrite and improve any sentence or article using AI. 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

  1. Paraphrasing (paraphrase) Tool-World’s No.1 Online Free Paraphrasing (paraphrase) Tool (Paraphrasing tool) 

These people claim that their algorithm is very advanced. They claim that they give 100% unique and SEO friendly content for free. 

You first have to copy your content and paste it in the box given. Then, you have to click on a button to paraphrase. The paraphrased content is usually presented in a new page. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

  1. Paraphrasing (paraphrase) Tool | Best Article Rewriter with Accuracy (Paraphrasing tool) 

This is an AI based tool for most accurate rephrasing. A great tool to reword phrases or essays in seconds-the site does not require registration. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. (paraphrase)-tool/ 

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Grammar and paraphrasing (paraphrase) 

  1. Someone has picked my pocket. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    My pocket has been picked. 
  1. People say that there will be another war in West Asia. Use a paraphrasing tool 

It is said that there will be another war in West Asia. 

  1. We hope that now they will call off the strike. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    It is hoped that the strike will now be called off.  
  1. You must understand that such a thing will not be permitted again. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    It must be understood that such a thing will not be permitted again. 
  1. They say that there are living beings on Mars. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    It is said that there are living beings on Mars.  
  1. You cannot deny that he tried his best to do so. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    It cannot be denied that he tried his best to do so. 
  1. Prepare yourself for the worst. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    Be prepared for the worst.  
  1. Advertise the post. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    Let the post be advertised.  
  1. Circumstances obliged him to resign his post. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    He was obliged to resign his post.  
  1. No one told me about it. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    I was not told about it.  
  1. Who sent this letter? Use a paraphrasing tool 
    By whom was this letter sent? 
  1. Warner Brothers produced this film. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    This film was produced by Warner Brothers.  
  1. The police gave him a reward of Rs.100/- Use a paraphrasing tool 
    He was given a reward of Rs.100/- by the police. 
  1. Rash driving causes many accidents. Use a paraphrasing tool 
    Many accidents are caused by rash driving. 

It is suggested that you use Active voice rather than Passive. The text may contain passive forms but they must be limited.  

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

The end 

Plagiarism is a serious offence. It might lead to legal complications. Therefore, it is essential to use a proper paraphrasing (paraphrase) tool to make your content unique. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Your mood is a deciding factor. If you rush for submitting a paper (say), you’ll usually end up in a rejection. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Just imagine the plight of having to paraphrase and then having to check the text for plagiarism. Fortunately, we have things like paraphrasing (paraphrase) tool today. They are easy to use and take less time for the result.  

Refer (paraphrase)-tool.html/ 

The interface here is simple. You have a drag &drop feature apart from copy &paste and adding a file. Once you’re done, you press “Paraphrase Article”. That’s it. Your content is processed and paraphrased. The result is a 100% unique content-plagiarism free. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Academic writing is where one has to be careful. An idea is an intellectual property and the usage of the idea without permission is a serious offence. One can paraphrase fortunately. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

At the end, it is good to know that we may use information for our personal purpose but it has to be done in an ethical manner. A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

Please don’t plagiarise. Use paraphrasing (paraphrase) and make a unique content. Not to forget, your content should be SEO friendly.  Paraphrasing (paraphrase) is easy and it is easier today with so many paraphrasing (paraphrase) tools on the web.   

A paraphrasing tool is essential for every writer. 

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