List of Argumentative Topics for debates or discussions (1000 words)

Friday, 9 July 2021


Argumentative topics are trendy in group discussions. Whether one is in a job interview or just a part of a group discussion in a class, argumentative topics break the ice sometimes, or sometimes they make people aware of each other’s thought processes. Most of the topics come from studying, such as English, History, and Political Science. These topics get assigned in the group for the moderator to see how well one can support their points of reasoning. 


Here is a list of argumentative topics that are very commonly assigned. 




Family is a topic that encompasses multiple controversial sub-topics. It could range from arguments such as “should we follow the traditions” or “should LGBTQ+ people be allowed to adopt children”. Such topics that have ethics and morals attached to them are controversial. It makes people see what the other person has to say in support or against the situation. 

Since times are now changing, and people are becoming more liberal and open-minded in their thoughts and actions and ways of living, there is still a significant population that still lives and follows the conservative practices. This leads to conflict among masses as their ways of living differ from each other- frequently ending with one party endangering the other party. 

Some of the argumentative topics related to family are:

1: Should parents of the same gender, or the LGBTQ+ community be allowed to adopt children?

2: Should a parent physically discipline their child?

3: Is a single-parent house more toxic for a child’s growth?

4: Should Child Services be allowed to take the child away from their parents if they fear the child’s safety?

5: Do same-sex couples make better or worse parents?

6: Should families have a television in the house or not?

7: Should parents monitor their child’s activities?

8: Do bedtime stories help in children’s growth?

9: Should a woman stay back at home to look after her children, or should she go outside and work?

10: Are house-husbands incompetent in providing bread to the family, by choosing to quit a job and look after the house and kids?




The definition of us comes with the society that we reside. It becomes a part of our personalities, and we pass this on to future generations. Our actions, behaviours, ways of thinking, and how we interact- it all gets defined by society. This influence roots deep from the families we are in, the relatives we have, the friends we interact with, the schools we attend, the community we live in.

While the above is a general statement, every individual is characterised by different situations that they have come across. The world is changing and so is are the societies that we are a part of. With changing times comes changing thinking processes, and every time there is a disagreement- conflict arises. 

When two parties of a different mindset, different times, come together and exchange thoughts- conflict is bound to happen. Here are some of the argumentative topics related to society. 

1: Should abortion be legal?

2: Should a father have any rights in abortion?

3: Should it be an offence to bully a person from the LGBTQ+ community?

4: Should worship places (churches, temples, mosques) be a part of politics and law-making policies?

5: Is the death penalty too much?

6: Should countries have a separate tax system that supports the homeless and needy?

7: Does diversity increase tension in the workplace?

8: Do you believe that assisted suicide should be legal?

9: Should some drugs be legalised?

10: Is eating animals wrong?




Ethics work with the idea of one taking morally right decisions. Most of the time, it ends up with discussions in support and against the topic. And since the controversial issue is involved, it becomes hard to pick sides because both the conflicts have valid points to support their arguments. 

By understanding the problem more, we may be able to uplift more layers of the problem and see where the person is coming from. Here are a few argumentative topics on ethical issues: 

1: Is it ethical for a doctor to deny treatment to a patient who cannot afford to pay the fees?

2: Is it ethical for police to abuse the power that comes with the uniform?

3: Is it ethical for an unlicensed person to give therapy to people with mental illnesses?

4: Should someone be allowed to use a gun to protect their home?

5: Is it ethical to have registered sex offenders have their names listed on public registries?

6: Should sex-work be a legal career?

7: Do you think marijuana should be legalised?

8: Should hunting be made legal?

9: Is eating meat cruelty to animals?

10: Are animal farms ethical and cruelty-free? 

With some of the topics listed above, one can participate in group discussions where questions are often left on an open-ended term.




Education is one of the most critical factors that help in shaping our future and building our personalities. The right to education is given to everyone but doesn’t reach everyone due to multiple factors. Hence, the ruling party or the state must keep a check on how things are running. It makes things harmonious between different communities and backgrounds, but it also helps balance the differences between the privileged and the underprivileged communities. 

Here is a list of argumentative topics related to education:

1: Should children with special needs be included in regular classes?

2: Should standard tests determine the future of children?

3: Should teachers and students be friends?

4: Should the curriculum be decided by the local communities or the state?

5: What are the drawbacks of traditional education?

6: How can parents help the student learn better in a classroom?

7: Compare the learning methodologies in 20th and 21st century?

8: What are the benefits of traditional education?

9: Should special schools be a part of regular schools? Or should they be a different institution in itself?

10: Should outdoor classes be made mandatory?

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