List of topics to debate on in 2021!

Saturday, 10 July 2021


Debates are contests in which people argue two opposite sides of an idea or topic – typically in for or against terms. Discussions often aim to reach an agreement that is mutually conducive rather than a definitive conclusion  as is often the case in legal proceedings. The beauty of this is that one learns to view both sides of an argument and the relevant points that each option might have. Convincing someone of the validity of an idea that they did not agree to before listening to the debate's ends is the most satisfying. This is why arguments are often compared to sports.

Students often have trouble choosing a good debate topic. If you are nervous about taking part in a debate, remember that discussions are fun events.They might be slightly challenging to prepare for, but you can excel in a debate with the right topics and the proper preparation. A confident and passionate debater can work with the hardest of issues and argue controversial issues, making a discussion exciting and informative.


Choosing a Good Debatable Topic is Important

An exciting and meaningful debate requires a vital debate topic. Controversial topics make for the best debate topics as they present the debaters on both sides with plenty of points to argue. Make sure you choose a subject you are familiar with or passionate about. Picking a topic of amoderate difficulty level works wonders for debates. It is advisable to keep in mind the situation or context of the debate. For example,if you are taking part in a middle school debate, it may be wise to avoid political topics and stick to topics everyone would be familiar with.

Here are some debate topics, organized categorically:


Debate Topics for High School

  1. Does homework promote learning?
  2. Is a college education essential to get a job?
  3. Should mobile phones be banned in school or college?
  4. Should students be allowed to pick their subjects or curriculum?
  5. Should abortion be legal?
  6. Should teenagers be allowed to play violent videogames?
  7. Can social media contribute to teenage suicide?
  8. Is social media, contrary to its name, make people less social?
  9. Is the way society deals with teenage pregnancy appropriate?
  10. Is higher education a prerequisite to financial success?

Topics Related to Education

  1. Do private schools impart better education than public schools?
  2. Should education be solely handled by private institutions?
  3. Are student loans more exploitative than helpful?
  4. Does a traditional classroom environment adequately address the needs of contemporary society?
  5. Should teachers on campus be armed to ensure the safety of students?
  6. Does a traditional grading system adequately analyze a student's skills and potential?
  7. Should all higher education be free?
  8. Should religion be taught as a subject in school?
  9. Are home-schooling and traditional schooling equivalent methods of imparting education?
  10. Is demanding all students to learn at least one foreign language beneficially?


Social Debate Topics

  1. Does contemporary policing of marginalized communities contribute to the criminalization of youth?
  2. Should the death penalty be abolished?
  3. hould marijuIs it ethical to deny women the right to abortion?
  4. Will electronic databases fully substitute standard libraries?
  5. Is cloning ethically acceptable?
  6. Should euthanasia be legalized?
  7. Should minimum wages be increased?
  8. Should drug addicts be helped or punished for their addiction?
  9. Is patriotism a deterrent to globalization, or does it aid globalization. 

Environment and Environmental Issues Debate Topics

  1. Can climate change still be reversed?
  2. Should plastic bags and packaging be banned?
  3. Can genetically modified foods solve the hunger problem?
  4. Are zoos ethical?
  5. Effects of tourism on the environment?
  6. Should there be more national parks?
  7. Should fracking be banned?
  8. Will veganism be useful in the long run?
  9. What is an organic farming role in agriculture future?
  10. Are our live animal exports ethically acceptable? 


Political Debate Topics

  1. Politicians should organize political campaigns with the money borrowed from corporations.
  2. Democracy is the best government system.
  3. Should governments be able to curb the freedom of speech of speech and expression enjoyed by their residents?
  4. Are taxes accelarating taxes fair on taxpayers?
  5. Former offenders should not lose the right to vote.
  6. Are modern patterns of imprisonment, unfairly arresting people belonging to ethnic minorities more than whites, contributing to the racism problem?
  7. Is it necessary for political leader to be present in social media nowadays?
  8. Does the constituion stand the tests of time in line with present society or should it be updated?


ParentingDebate Topics

  1. Should children use smartphones without supervision?
  2. Should teenage girls have access to birth control medicines without parental supervision?
  3. Should parents pick out a career for their children?
  4. Do parents always treat their children fairly?
  5. Is it ethically acceptable for parents to pick the genders of their future children?
  6. What are the pros and cons of gay couples adopting children?
  7. Should parents monitor their children's activities on social media?
  8. Does parental supervision lead to coddling and helicopter parenting?
  9.  Should parents allow their teenagers to have complete autonomy in making decisions about their lives?
  10. Is it possible for children to succeed without any parental support or involvement?

Technology Debate Topics

  1. Will technology make people lazier and incapable of thinking for themselves?
  2. Shoud artificial intelligence be viewed as adanger or a blessing?
  3. Can robots successfully increase the average quality of lifeenjoyed by people?
  4. How does advancement in technology influence us and the environment we live in?
  5. Will humans successfully colonize Mars or another planet in the near future?
  6.  Does extraterrestrial life exist?
  7. Why is the colonization of Mars important?
  8. Does technology meerly add to human communication or detter it?
  9. Recent developments in technology have led to people havinng a more diverse set of interests and hobbies?
  10. Can technology actually save the environment instead of ruining it?
  11. Do laws effectively keep up with changes in technology?


Healthcare Debate Topics

  1. Are you justifying the legalization of recreational marijuana from the perspective of modern healthcare?
  2. Is mandatory vaccination a means of ensuring the proper health of the population?
  3. Alternative medicine and its impact on the healthcare future.
  4. Does technology promote human health?
  5. Meat-based and vegetarian diets are equally healthy.
  6. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder)/ ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) should be medicated.
  7. Free access to condoms prevents teen pregnancies.
  8. Addiction is a disease and not a choice.

9.    Abortion should be legal worldwide.

10.  Chocolate is Healthy

11.  Why has Electroconvulsive Therapy been stopped

12.  The Dark World of Diet Pills

13.  Moral Dilemma surrounding Euthanasia

14.  Do Homeopathic Treatments Work?

15. Can competition improve healthcare services qualities?

LeisureDebate Topics

  1. Is summer vacation better than winter vacation?
  2. Encouraging teenagers to read books: are outcomes worth efforts?
  3. How technology changed the way young people spend their leisure?
  4. Has leisure decreased quality since social media introduction?
  5. Can high-quality daily leisure substitute wholesome vacation?
  6. Is leisure essential for workplace effectiveness?
  7. Playing video games during leisure: pros and cons.
  8. Has the work-life balance concept changed with Internet development?
  9. Have globalization, and people's increased mobility changed the leisure concept?
  10. Women spend their leisure time differently than men.

Financial and Policy Matters Debate Topics

  1. Immigration
  2. Pros and Cons of Brexit
  3. Free Trade Agreements
  4. Significant Women in Politics
  5. Rise of Representation in Politics
  6. Should Communism be Promoted
  7. The Ugly Side of Capitalism
  8. Can the current US government ensure the country's financial stability?
  9. How secure is mobile banking?
  10. Does crediting promote or hinder economic country development?
  11. Is there any economic justification for wars?
  12. Should wealthy people pay higher taxes than the poor?
  13. How would lowering the voting age impact American society's future?
  14. Mass incarceration and its impact on US government representativeness.
  15. Mandatory financial education: pros and cons.
  16. Should online financial advice be available for free to every country citizen?
  17. Can high profitability alone justify environmentally unsafe practices?


Historical Debate Topics

  1. History is an important subject all students should learn.
  2. Is King Arthur a real historical figure or myth?
  3. Knowledge of history enriches one’s worldview: yes or no?
  4. What role did Britain play during the First World War?
  5. How different historians interpret World War Two?
  6. Were there any justifications for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US?
  7. Revolutionary War Interpretation.
  8. Ancient Roman culture versus contemporary culture.
  9. History & its impact on the future.
  10. Modern interracial conflicts evaluation from a historical perspective.


Controversial DebateTopics

  1. Are men stronger than women?
  2. Daydreaming versus night dreaming: which is better?
  3. Communication between sexes: do men and women have different approaches?
  4. Choosing the best pizza topping: healthy versus tasty.
  5. Do fairy tales affect children’s reality perception?
  6. Is living together before marriage appropriate nowadays?
  7. Should teenage students get after-school jobs?
  8. Teenagers explain their deviant behaviors by referring to peer pressure as a significant reason.
  9. Gender and life expectancy: what factors explain gaps all over the world?
  10. From a historical perspective, are women smarter than men?


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