Thursday 22 October 2020

Building Systems CAD


Building Systems CAD

Assignment #1 Instructions

-Assignment should be submitted through Blackboard 'Blackboard>BGD361 Course Home Page>"Assignments" section> "Assignment #1".

All files names must be formatted as follows: Student Name-Student Number-Assignment #1 - Please do not email me the Project.

All Project submissions should be completed before 23:59 pm on the submission date. You must plan to submit the project early to avoid the late penalty.

- Late penalty is 10% of the project per day including weekends.

- Cheating/copying is unacceptable and will be given an automatic 0 grade. Please do your own work, as the authenticity of your files will be checked

Architectural Project-Revit Architecture Model.

Prepare Architectural Floor Plan drawings based on supplied floor plan importing CAD file.

Create a new project in Revit (Revit 2019 or Revit 2020)

Imnort given CAD file (in settings for nositioning use "Center to Center" for

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