What is Database system ?

Tuesday, 6 October 2020


Database Systems 

Assignment 1 

August 2020 


This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve students’ skills to analyze organization database requirements, develop a data model to reflect the organization’s business rules and use data manipulation language to manage database. This assessment covers the following LOs. 

1. Synthesize user requirements/inputs and analyse the matching data processing needs, demonstrating adaptability to changing circumstances;

 2. Develop an enterprise data model that reflects the organization's fundamental business rules; refine the conceptual data model, including all entities, relationships, attributes, and business rules. 

3. Derive a physical design from the logical design taking into account application, hardware, operating system, and data communications networks requirements; 

Case Study: 

Prestige Automobile Rental (PAR) is a vehicle rental company that rents old vehicles to the public. PAR has been using manual methods for keeping track of their customers and their rentals. However, the company would now like to go online and allow customers to search the available vehicles and see their rental history. 

For the first time, when the customer rents a vehicle from PAR their details (name, address, phone number, driving license number and credit card number) are recorded. The date they become a customer is also stored. There are certain types of vehicles which are classified as heavy vehicles. It is a policy of PAR that these vehicles are only rented to customers who have no demerit points on their driving license. 

The information about the vehicle (type, registration number, year/make/model, vin number, distance travelled and current condition) are also stored. Each vehicle has a unique ID. The customer can search for their desired vehicle and can see if it is available. 

 All rentals are for 7 days. Rental charges are based on the type of vehicle (Car (C) or Heavy Duty (HD)). Rental must be paid for on collection. Customers can rent up to 2 vehicles at a time. Each rentalID is for a single vehicle for one customer. (The rentalID is an auto number). When the rental is taken out the date of checkout is recorded along with calculated due date (7 days from checkout date). When the rental is returned, the date is recorded in the returned date.

 PAR would like to store ‘demerit’ points for the renter in order to identify bad renters. These demerit points are accumulated at a rate of one point per day a rental is overdue. PAR will cancel the membership of the customers who have too many demerit points. 

Assignment Requirements and Deliverables: 

Part A - 10% (Due in week 5) 

Submitted as a MS Word Document 

• Develop an Entity Relationship Diagram 

• Relational Schema (including Primary, Foreign Keys and all attributes). 

• Supplementary Design requirements (data attribute information)

 • Discuss physical design and any assumptions made during design 

Marking Guide: 

Marking Guide:

Marking Guide: Unacceptable




Entities, Primary Keys, Relationship

Does not adequately have all required Entities, Primary Keys and Relationship in ER diagram

Partially have all required Entities, Primary Keys, and Relationship in ER diagram

Most of the required Entities, Primary Keys and Relationship are there in ER diagram

All Entities, Primary Keys and Relationship are there in ER diagram

Relational Schema

Does not adequately have required tables, Primary Keys and Foreign keys

Partial have required tables, Primary Keys and Foreign keys.

Most of the required tables, Primary Keys and Foreign keys are there.

All tables, Primary Keys and Foreign keys are there.

Supplementary Design Requirements

Does not adequately have required attributes.

Partially have required attributes.

Mentioned most of the required attributes.

All required attributes are there.

Discussed physical design

Adequately discussed about relationship in physical design.

Partially discussed about relationship in physical design.

Covered most of the relationship in discussion.

Covered all relationship in discussion.


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