British Computer Society Criteria for Projects

Thursday, 21 January 2021


Criteria for Projects 

Exemption from Professional Graduate Diploma Project 


Exemption from Diploma Project 


BSc BIS, joint 

MSc Comp/IT/ISM 

o        The project should involve at least 100 hours of work by each individual. 



o        The project should involve at least 150 hours of work by each individual. 



o        The project work may be part of a group project, but the technical report and assessment must clearly identify each individual’s personal contribution and each student must clearly identify their contribution to the overall project, including a critical analysis of how the group functioned and the role(s) played by themselves. 



o        It should emphasise design and evaluate a computer-based system using appropriate processes and tools. 



o        The product must exhibit the attributes of quality, reliability, timeliness and maintainability. 



The report on the project should include: 

o        Elucidation of the problem and the objectives of the project  



o        An in-depth investigation of the context/literature/other similar products 



o        A clear description of the stages of the life cycle undertaken 



o        A description of the use of appropriate tools to support the development process 



o        Description of the testing carried out  



o        Description of evaluation of the system in terms of quality attributes, possible trade-offs and testing, if appropriate 



o        An appraisal of the project, indicating the rationale for design/implementation decisions, lessons learnt during the course of the project 



o        A critical appraisal of the project, indicating the rationale for design/implementation decisions, lessons learnt during the course of the project, and evaluation (with hindsight) of the product and the process of its production (including a review of the plan and any deviations from it) 



o        References 



o        Appendices – technical documentation 



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