Wednesday, 17 February 2021



  1. The contribution of philosophical and theoretical perspectives of occupation to the practice of occupational therapy  

  1. Occupational therapy approaches and service delivery within the context of current legislation, guidelines, policy, frameworks, environments and emerging issues  

  1. Critical understanding of assessment tools and outcome measures; their importance in relation to evidenced based practice at the levels of individual outcomes, service effectiveness and professional effectiveness. 

Cognitive skills 

  1. Develop and evaluate approaches to enabling occupation in complex situations.  

  1. Analyse challenges to sustaining an occupational focus in practice.  

  1. Demonstrate ability to understand and interpret research outcomes.  

  1. Evaluate the role of the therapist as an agent of change. 


  1. Consider aspects of service provision to facilitate and support occupational performance  


For this assignment, you will need to provide a critical evaluation of service provision for any diagnostic group, as follows.   

Critically evaluate occupational therapy service provision in any area of service. Consider issues impacting upon practice and challenges to sustaining an occupational focus. 

You are required to explore an area of personal interest and devise your own specific essay question which will enable you to do this. (FOCUS ON NEURO REHAB} 


Here is some additional guidance on the content and structure of the essay 


  • Detail in your introduction the health and occupational needs of one service user population e.g. early onset dementia and maintaining employment. Include relevant legislation, guidelines, policy, environments and emerging issues to justify the focus on this service area. (approx. 300 words).  

  • Briefly draw on any relevant theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy that influence this service area e.g. a model of practice (approx. 200 words). 

  • Drawing on a range on literature (which includes research outcomes not dated older than 10 years old), detail and critique current service provision in this context area. This must include how the service is measured by considering how assessment tools and outcome measures relate to evidence-based practice at the level of the individual, service and profession.  (Approx 1000 words).  

  • Drawing on practice experience, analyse any challenges to improving occupational therapy service provision in this context area. Detail any opportunities for innovative practice which may address the challenges presented (Approx 300).  

  • Conclusion should succinctly cover the main points of the assignment. (200 words) 






Marking Criteria  

Content requirement and learning outcomes addressed (from assessment block descriptor) 




A (A+, A, A-) 


70 - 89 

B (B+, B, B-) 

Very good 


C (C+, C, C-) 



Introduction 10% 

An outstanding introduction to the service area, justified well by legislation, guidelines, policy and emerging issues. 

An excellent introduction to the service area, justified well by legislation, guidelines, policy and emerging issues. 

A very good introduction to the service area, justified well by legislation, guidelines, policy and emerging issues. 

A good introduction to the service area, justified by some legislation, guidelines, policy and emerging issues. Some omissions 

Theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy 



Outstanding consideration of key theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy to justify service provision.  

Excellent consideration of key theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy to justify service provision 

Very good consideration of key theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy to justify service provision. 

Good consideration of key theoretical and philosophical perspectives of occupational therapy to justify service provision. Some omissions 

Critical consideration of a service area 



Draws on an outstanding range of literature to develop a highly complex critique of service provision. 

Draws on an excellent range of literature to critique service provision. 

Draws on a very good range of literature to critique service provision. 

Draws on a good range of literature. Some omission or inaccuracies in relation to critically evaluation service provisio 

Consideration of assessment tools and outcome measures 



A highly critical, in-depth consideration of tools and measures that relate to all three levels of measurement 

Excellent consideration of tools and measures that relate to all three levels of measurement 

Very good consideration of tools and measures that relate to all three levels of measurement 

Good consideration of tools and measures. Some omissions in relation to the levels of measurement 

Draws on practice experience 



An outstanding ability to synthesis practice experience with identifying solutions that promote innovative practice 

A excellent standard of synthesising practice experience with identifying solutions that promote innovative practice. 

A good standard of synthesising practice experience with identifying solutions that influence practice. 

Some evidence of drawing on practice experience to identify potential practice problems. 




An outstanding ability to conclude main points clearly and concisely 

An excellent ability to conclude main points clearly and concisely 

An good ability to  conclude main points clearly and concisely 

An ability to conclude main points clearly 

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