Advanced Research topics in Computer Science

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

 Portfolio Coursework  














Student Name (SRN: 18029192) 

Level 7 

Academic Year 2019-20 


Task 1 

  1. Report on own research area 


  1. Title/research subject area  


  1. Research area: A brief description of the area (around 150 words) 


  1. Relation to Computer Science in general:  What other areas in Computer Science and Science in general does the area relate to? (around 100 words) 


  1. Research problem and research question:  Identifying a research problem and a significant research question in this area (around 500 words) 


  1. Research methods:  What methods could be used to investigate this question.  Evaluate the effectiveness of these methods (around 500 words) 


  1. Alternative solution/approach: Propose an alternative solution/approach for future work. How might this approach be generally beneficial to the society?  Are there any possible negative implications? (around 500 words)  


  1. Self-Reflection 1:  

Self-reflection: using the guidelines received in Week 2 tutorial (around 250 words).  












Task 2 

  1. Report on another DISTINCT topic covered in the lectures  

Note to the students: The research area must be from the guest lecture topic/theme and you must use one of the research papers given in the units ( 6, 7, 8, 9).  


  1. Title/research subject area  


  1. Research area: A brief description of the area (around 150 words) 


  1. Relation to Computer Science in general:  What other areas in Computer Science and Science in general does the area relate to? (around 100 words) 


  1. Research problem and research question:  Identifying a research problem and a significant research question in this area (around 500 words) 


  1. Research methods:  What methods could be used to investigate this question.  Evaluate the effectiveness of these methods (around 500 words) 


  1. Alternative solution/approach: Propose an alternative solution/approach for future work. How might this approach be generally beneficial to the society?  Are there any possible negative implications? (around 500 words)  


  1. Self-Reflection 2 

Self-reflection: using the guidelines received in Week 10 tutorial (around 250 words).  




Collated references of Task1 and Task 2 in Harvard referencing style. 



Appendix A: Literature review table of Task 1 using the guidelines received in Week 2 tutorial  

Appendix B: Experiment design plans/diagrams of Task1 if any. 

Appendix C: Literature review table of Task 2 using the guidelines received in Week 2 tutorial  

Appendix D: Experiment design plans/diagrams of Task2 if any. 


(you may add other appendices if you have any) 

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