Project style guide

Sunday, 13 June 2021



1                    Introduction

Project style guide


1.1              This style guide is for use by undergraduate and MSc project students in the School of Computing. It gives information on:

·         The expected structure of the project report

·         Language and referencing

·         Style and layout

·         Advice on printing and binding the project


2                    Structure of project report


2.1              There are contents which need to be in the project report and these are shown in normal text. There are other contents which are indicative only and are shown in italics. For example, in an engineering project, if your SDLC is prototyping / Agile, you may have elements of each stage in several chapters


2.2              For the written contents of these sections, please see project lectures / Moodle / consult your supervisor.


2.3              Elements on the marking form should be present in the report, but you don’t have to have specific chapters for each one. Literature may be discussed in other chapters as well as the literature review chapter.


2.4              Contents of the project report are:


§  Front page, produced from templates available in the Moodle unit: CAM Student Centre (Project Cover Templates)


·         Abstract (150 - 300 words), summarising the question and the findings / problem and resulting artefact function (not the processes by which this was done)


·         Word count, on same page as abstract


§  Acknowledgements (if including)


§  Table of contents, auto-generated (see your word-processing package for instructions). Includes: main sections, list of appendices, list of tables and list of figures (in that order). For examples, visit the eDissertations on the library website (, Information and Resources)


·         Main report


o    Introduction

o    Literature Review

o    Project management

o    (Study project:)

§  Methodology / research design

§  Data collection

§  Data analysis

§  Discussion


o    (Engineering project:)

§  Methodologies / project life cycles

§  Requirements and analysis

§  Design

§  Implementation

§  Test

§  Evaluation

o    Conclusion



§  References, a list of the sources cited in the main report, in APA6 format, organized alphabetically by author surname. A bibliography (listing the materials read, but not necessarily cited) is not usually included.


§  Appendices

o    Appendix A: Project Initiation Document (PID) and Gantt chart(s)

o    Appendix B: Ethics certificate, generated from and signed by your supervisor

o    Further appendices as applicable. These may include consent forms, questionnaire proformas and responses, test plans and results, design documentation, interface layouts etc.


NB Do not put code listings in an appendix – these belong on the accompanying CD/USB stick.


3                    Language and referencing

3.1              Writing style should be academic, i.e. formal, third person passive (e.g. “a test plan was developed”).

3.2              Pay attention to grammar and spelling (UK English). Avoid jargon. If using acronyms, include the full term on first definition (e.g. “Chief Technology Officer (CTO)”). Commonly used acronyms (e.g. USB) don’t need this.

3.3              Good academic practice should be followed in referencing. References and in-text citations should conform to APA6 format (see for guidance on formats for different types of material).

3.4              When to cite: If something is common knowledge or if you are expressing your own ideas, there is no need to provide an in-text citation. Anything else is assumed to come from another source, and citation is needed.

3.5              Quotations should be used sparingly, to support arguments rather than to make points. Paraphrasing is preferred.

4                    Style and layout

4.1              Your report can be created in any word processing package, but choose one to which your supervisor has access, so that s/he can read and comment on drafts if necessary. The final version of the report should be saved as a PDF for printing and submission to Turnitin.

4.2              Format the report for printing double-sided. Each new section (including chapters and appendices) should start on a right-hand page. Insert “intentionally blank” pages at the end of sections as appropriate to make sure this happens.

4.3              A3 pages and colour can be included, but be aware of extra cost when printing. Also you will have to number A3 pages individually, and make sure that they are inserted in the right place when binding the project.

4.4              Page furniture: pagination should be included at the foot of each page. Student number / name should not be included.

4.5              The detailed format for page layout and text size is below.

§  Page margins, 2cm left and right (to allow for binding).

§  Line spacing 1 or 1.5 lines.

§  Text in 11 or 12 pt font (text in diagrams no smaller than 9 pt font).

§  Font style - readability is key.

4.6              Chapters should be sub-sectioned using headings and subheadings, down to three levels (e.g. 2.1.1). Use Heading styles so that you can use the Table of Contents tool (Word or PDF equivalent) to generate a Table of Contents automatically.

4.7              Tables and figures (diagrams) should be numbered (chapter number, table number within the chapter, e.g. Table 2.1, Figure 3.1). Citations should be included if the table or figure is taken from the literature. Tables and figures should be included as close to the relevant text as possible. Where there are large numbers of tables/figures, consider putting them in an appendix. Remember to refer to the appendix from the main body of the text. Use the Table of Contents tool with your WP package to make sure lists of tables and figures appear in your Table of Contents.

4.8              Front cover templates are on CAM Student Area Moodle unit (Project Cover Templates). Complete with your details and include as the first page of your report (with “intentionally blank” page as next page for printing purposes).

4.9              The referencing style is APA6, for in-text citations and the References section. See for guidance and examples. References should be to academic literature, cited in the report.


5                    Printing and binding on-campus projects


5.1              Two paper copies of the project report are required, and an electronic hand-in via the appropriate Moodle unit. For engineering projects, two copies of the artefact software are also required. These can be DVDs, attached to the inside back cover of the paper copies. If you wish to keep a copy for yourself, print an extra copy.

5.2              Remember to budget for having your work printed and bound.


5.3              If you use Anglesea Printing Services, they will print and bind your project (48 hours notice needed at busy times). Save it as a PDF (to preserve margin settings). has details about submitting your work, and about the cost.


5.4              Other options include printing your projects yourself and having them bound, or using the commercial copy services in the city. If you do this, collect the red card front cover blanks from the CAM office.


5.5              The 4pm deadline on the day of hand-in is a firm on – don’t be late at the counter.



6                    Printing and binding distance learning projects


6.1              Two paper copies and an electronic copy are required. When supplying the electronic copy (via the appropriate Moodle unit), include links to appendices. Electronic copies of the artefact are also required for engineering projects.


6.2              It is your responsibility to make sure that the paper copies reach the CAM office by the deadline. You can use a courier service – the address is:


The CAM Office, University of Portsmouth Lion Gate Building

Lion Terrace Portsmouth PO1 3HF

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