Faculty of
Science, Engineering and Computing
Examinations 2019/2020
MODULE: CE7112 Structural Design in Concrete
and Steel
General instructions
This assessment was designed to be completed within 3 Hours under
examination conditions. You are not expected to need 24 hours to complete this
As this is a coursework assessment there is no extra time allocated for
students with a SOSN.
If you experience technical
difficulties, e.g. access and upload issues, or identify a potential error in a
question please email the module leader
or using CE7112 Canvas Chat, where some of the lecturers for the module can
chat with you between the first two hours (10:00 – 12:00 British Summer Time on
18/08/2020) and the last hour of the assignment (09:00 – 10:00 British Summer
Time on 19/08/2020).
This is an open book assessment so you may consult your notes, textbooks
and the internet. Because of this additional exam handouts will not be
You must not collaborate with someone else on this assessment, it should
be wholly your own work. Your work will be checked for evidence of plagiarism
and/or collusion using Turnitin.
Any written work in excess
of the word limit will not be marked. Additional answers to those
required will not be marked.
Submission Guidance
You should submit your answers as a single Word
document via Canvas. Indicate the questions you have answered on the first page
of your document.
If you include graphics in your answer please embed these into the word
document (e.g. a photograph of a hand-drawn graphic). The source of any copied
and pasted figures should be cited. If you have embedded any
scanned/photographed diagrams and graphs, then your submission file cannot
exceed 100MB. Instructions for compressing images within Word can be found here.
Please make sure to regularly save your work and leave plenty of time to upload your work before the deadline. All late submissions will score zero.
to Candidates
paper contains FOUR questions.
ALL questions.
questions carry equal marks.
Candidates are reminded that the major steps in
all arithmetical calculations are to be set out clearly.
Number of Pages: 1 – 6
Figure Q1 shows a steel column with eccentric
loading, parallel to the
axis of the column. The four beams framing into the top
transmit factored at ULS point loads F1 = 130 kN, F2 = 170 kN, F3 = 65 kN and
F4 = 280 kN, which are the support reactions correspondingly from beams B1, B2,
B3 and B4 as shown. The indicated beams are on the top floor, no other axial
load is applied to the column. The length of the column is 4 m and the column
is laterally restrained at top and bottom with respect to buckling along y-y
and z-z axes. It is effectively pinned on the top and at the bottom.
Check is UC 203x203x60 element suitable for such column
conducting the following checks according to EC3:
(a) Calculate the axial load and the bending
moments due to the eccentricities of applied forces. (4 marks)
(b) Calculate the total axial load and bending
moments in both directions (the eccentricities to be calculated as
(5 marks)
(c) Calculate the compression buckling
(6 marks)
(d) Calculate the lateral torsional buckling
resistance and combined
buckling resistance of the column.
(10 marks)
Figure Q1
Continued ……
2 The
beam-to-column connection indicated in Figure Q2 is a ‘bolted end plate’ type
of connection. It is designed to transfer vertical design load Ned,
of 300 kN from the beam (UB356x171x67) to the column (UC254x254x73), both of
which are made from S275 steel. The endplate size 240x160x10 is welded to the
web of the beam and is made from S275 steel also (fu = 410 N/mm2).
The bolts are M20 HSFG bolts class
8.8 (fu = 800 N/mm2) and are positioned as indicated in Figure Q2. The
distances are as follows: end distance e1 = 30 mm, edge distance e2
= 35 mm, pitch p1 = 60 mm and gauge p2 = 90 mm.
Check the following elements of the
resistance of the ‘bolted end plate’ connection:
Limitations for positioning of the holes.
(8 marks)
The bearing resistance of the bolt group
assuming γM2 = 1.25.
The shear resistance of bolt group with αv
= 0.6.
3 A grade S355 steel beam 406x178x74 UB carries
permanent loads and variable loads from two secondary beams as shown in Figure
Q3. The beam is laterally restrained at the supports and the secondary beams.
Design mineral fibre box protection to give 90min fire performance if the
thermal properties of the proposed thermal insulation are as follows:
(a) Determine
the design bending resistance of the beam at 20ºC temperature and compare with
the design load at room temperature.
(7 marks)
(b) Determine
the critical temperature for the section. As a first iteration assume the
critical temperature to be 550ºC. During the heating the variable action is to
be considered as a quasi-permanent value where
(c) Calculate
the required minimum thickness of the protection to satisfy the required 90min
of fire performance for the critical temperature.
(6 marks)
4. A 3-spans continuous beam with two uniformly
distributed loads and a point load is shown in Figure Q4a. The cross section of the beam is made up of a
UB strengthened with a plate on the top of the UB as shown in Figure Q4b. The yield stress of steel is 275N/mm2.
Determine Mp, the fully Plastic Moment, for the
(5 marks)
Using Plastic Analysis method, investigate all
possible collapse mechanisms and determine the actual collapse load and the
corresponding collapse mechanism. (10 marks)
For the collapse load in (b), draw the bending
moment diagram showing all significant values. (10 marks)
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