User Experience Design

Tuesday, 24 August 2021


User Experience Design

Module Coordinator

Dr Bola Omisade (

Date Issued

October 2020





Mode of Hand in

Moodle Dropbox (Group and individual)


This assessment is worth 100% of the overall unit marks


2000 +/- 10% including the individual component


Schedule and Deliverables





Presentation, content/slides


A single PowerPoint file

7th Dec 2020

Group report


A single Word / PDF file

7th Dec 2020

Individual report



7th Dec 2020


Notes and Advice

·         The Extenuating Circumstances procedure is there to support you if you have had any circumstances (problems) that have been serious or significant enough to prevent you from attending, completing or submitting an assessment on time.

·         ASDAC are available to any students who disclose a disability or require additional support for their academic studies with a good set of resources on the ASDAC moodle site • The University takes plagiarism seriously. Please ensure you adhere to the plagiarism guidelines. And watch the video on Plagiarism

·         Any material included in your coursework should be fully cited and referenced in APA 7 format Detailed advice on referencing is available from the library

·         Any material submitted that does not meet format or submission guidelines, or falls outside of the submission deadline could be subject to a cap on your overall result or disqualification entirely.

·         If you need additional assistance, you can ask your personal tutor, student engagement officer , academic tutor or your lecturers.


Learning outcomes

This assessment covers Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4

On successful completion of this coursework, students should be able to

1.       Analyse the conflicting demands of usability and ergonomics in the context of an interactive system.

2.       Assess target users and their goals for specific tasks, and hence, evaluate users' needs and environments.

3.       Justify methods and techniques chosen to implement an appropriate solution to an interactive design problem

4.       Critically evaluate, reflect on and report on, theoretical research and practical investigations.





In light of the fast-changing development as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, there is a need to keep the community safe and prevent the spread of the virus in the United Kingdom. In March 2020, the UK government introduced measures which include social distancing measures such as school closures, cancelling of public events and urging employees to work from home where possible. For schools to ensure that students can continue to receive teaching, assessment and any support they might need to complete their studies. The schools can continue to operate should the current situation change, online learning and teaching options are encouraged. This means that there are no/minimal face-to-face classes at all, and all teaching and learning is facilitated through an online environment.

This coursework is for you to design and evaluate an interactive learning mobile app for a Nursery and Primary School. Most schools already have a website but, as a result of the COVID outbreak, they require a system where students can gain access to the resources added by the teachers. Teachers will also want to monitor student’s online behaviour such as the last access and times that they have downloaded resources. They will also want to notify and remind students about the online resources. The design of the mobile app should appeal to all children within age range 3 -14 with access to a mobile phone or tablet. Parents who intend to support their children should also have access to the system.



In your groups of 3 or 4 to carry out the tasks

1. Identify users’ needs for this mobile tool. You could do this in several ways. For example, you think about your own experience, look at online learning websites /apps, interview friends and family about their experiences and so on.                                                                                                                   10 marks

2. Based on the needs, choose two different user profile and produce one persona and one main scenario for each, capturing how the user is expected to interact with the product. Describe two actors and an associated use case and draw a use case diagram.                                                                             10 marks

3. Select and describe a suitable technique for carrying out a requirement analysis for the system. Present your requirements using your described technique.                                                                           10 marks

4. Describe the key tasks that users can perform with your design using an appropriate analysis technique. Express the task analysis textually and graphically.                                                                               10 marks

5. Describe the physical design of the application using an experience map. Provide screenshots of key screens that illustrate the general layout, information, navigation architecture, and look and feel of your system. The prototype does not need to be exhaustively detailed but thoughtful in describing how the design works to accomplish the design goals.                                                                                         20 marks

6. Critically evaluate an appropriate set of heuristics and perform a heuristic evaluation of the prototype you designed. Based on this evaluation, redesign the prototype to overcome the problems you encountered.                                                                                                                                                 10 marks


As Individuals

7. Reflect and discuss the differences you observed from the evaluation and redesigning the prototype.

                                                                                                                                                                             10 marks





As a group you will produce a critical report on the work you have done. You should be specific and clear about this as much as possible. If there are screenshots, etc., they can be added to the document and do not count towards the word limit. The individual report should not be more than 250 words. It is essential that you strictly adhere to the word count. You will be expected to present your work to other students/staff. Max 10 minutes.

Mark and Feedback

Moderated marks will be returned to you within 20 working days, in accordance with University regulations. This does not include those days that the University is closed.

Marking Scheme

● Presentation content/slides (20%)

● Group report (70%)

● Individual report (10%)

See rubrics on Moodle

See generic marking criteria for level 7 (link to pdf)

Referencing / Plagiarism / Poor scholarship

APA 7 referencing convention should be followed for the citations and the reference list. Do not forget citations for diagrams and tables, if you use them. The Moodle drop box is set up to allow you to submit as many drafts as you need to, to check your references. The latest version you submit is the one which will be marked. Please consult general advice (e.g. from the Academic Skills Unit) about good scholarship. We use a range of sanctions if plagiarism / poor scholarship is suspected.


Marking Criteria


Excellent work that is well-argued, structured, intelligent and which shows evidence of thorough analysis, organisation and expression. Research is extensive and thorough. Often shows some originality or creativity of insight and approach, is well-articulated and demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter. Discrimination will be shown regarding source material. Few, or no, errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Accurate citation and use of references. Work displays exceptional qualities in most of the above areas.


Very good work which is clearly written, well-argued, well-researched and covers the subject matter in a thorough, thoughtful and competent manner. Few errors or gaps in: content, structure, analysis, organisation, grammar, spelling and punctuation. Broad and appropriate use of references. Discrimination will be shown regarding source material


Adequate work, but which is unsatisfactory or barely satisfactory in most of the following: content, analysis, expression and structure. Work in this range tends to exhibit deficiencies in prose style, grammar and citation and use of references, but contains evidence of enough work, thought and understanding of the topic area to avoid failure.


Fail; anything which is inadequate in most or all of the following: length, content, structure, analysis, expression, argument and relevance. Work in this range attempts to address the question/problem but is substantially incomplete and deficient. Serious problems with a number of aspects of language use are often found in work in this range and the work may be severely under-length.


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