Management Accounting CPT

Monday, 27 September 2021


 BUS/IT 8701 Executive Practicum-Core

BUS/IT 8702 Executive Practicum Concentration

Ottawa University considers this uniquely designed curriculum as perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for international students to internalize learning through practical application. The EMBA Practicum combines current real- time experiences with classroom theory, creative testing, analysis, modeling, and research, while applying theory to a practical environment to extend knowledge.


All assignments, discussions, activities, projects, and homework in this course are focused on authorized employment. Students are expected convey their understanding of topics in your core class in relation with current employment



EMBA Practicum Training:



IT 8701           Practicum 1 (repeatable up to 9 times) 0.5cr

IT 8702           Practicum continuation (repeatable up to 9 times) 0.5cr



Curricular Practicum Training (CPT) is work authorization for F-1 international students to receive further training that is directly related to their degree level and major. Authorization is dependent upon the students academically eligible and the employment meeting federal government regulations. The program is an integration of professional and academic experience through eligible employment in Information Technology (IT), Management of Information Technology, Management, Operational effectiveness, Healthcare or Business Management employers. You are required as part of the EMBA course of study to maintain eligible employment for the duration of your study with Ottawa University. Credit is awarded through successful completion of the following course sequence:


Credit Hour Limitation:


The maximum number of credits that can be applied toward graduation is six (6), from the following courses: EMBA Practicum (IT/BUS 8701), EMBA Practicum continuation (IT/BUS 8702)


Attendance and Participation:


Students are required to physically attend Week 1 and Week 8 sessions in Phoenix, AZ, Overland Park, KS or Brookfield, WI. Employment/Internship attendance requirements are to be agreed upon between you and your employment supervisor. (for further details refer to University attendance policy and participation policies in Blackboard)


Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS):


The Blackboard site is the documentation and support repository for this course. Course information and assignments can be found here, and your completed assignments are to be submitted here. Forms that require a signature must be scanned and uploaded into Blackboard in the appropriate/designated place. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are placing each week's memo (see below) in the correct location in Blackboard. If it is not where it belongs, you will earn a zero for that assignment.




During the EMBA Practicum, you will:


    Meet work and academic requirements as set down under the EMBA Practicum agreement.

    Notify the International Student Services office at immediately upon any change in employment, employer, or a change from part time to full time employment. (and vice versa)


The practicum is graded with a pass/fail designation. To earn this grade, you must complete the following


    Attend all class sessions from start to finish

    Complete a minimum of 5 hours work per week for 8 weeks (min. 40 hours)

    Submit weekly reflective employment memos. (week 1 to 7 is equal to 1 point each week)

    Submit a final reflective narrative essay that is signed by your employer (worth 3 points)



This is a pass/fail grade you need at least 8 points out of 10 to pass (80%). However, missing an employer signature and submitting the final reflective essay late is grounds for a failing grade. Unemployed students must notate at the end of the assignment that they are currently unemployed. Employed student must have a dated wet signature in final page of the assignment (not on a separate page) No electronic signatures will be accepted


Course Requirements:


Weekly Memos (weeks 1 to 7)


Reflective summaries should be a maximum of one (1) page, typed and 1 1/2-spaced, with Arial font, 1 margins, and 12 point. (Memo format is mandatory = see template provided in Blackboard. See below). Full sentences required.


Unless otherwise directed by faculty the summaries must address the topics below to use as headings to divide each reflection topic within your summary.








WEEK DATES: (example 3/9/2020 to 3/13/2020)



What was the focus of the course work this week? What were the topics?

How does it relate to your work?


NOTE: Directly apply concepts learned to work. If the concepts do not apply directly to your current job, then you need to explain your understanding of how it can be applied in your company.



Final Reflective Narrative Summary Essay (week 8)

Compile an original essay of 3-5 pages in APA (7th edition) format that integrates what you have learned in the last 7 weeks. This essay has to be unique



(Please refer to the links below from our library on APA formatting)




Final Reflective Narrative Summary must include

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