Wireless networks & Security

Tuesday, 21 September 2021



                    COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION                  



Module Title:

Wireless networks & Security

Module Number:


Module            Tutor




Academic Year:


% Weighting (to overall module):


Coursework Title:


Average Study Time Required by Student:

100 hours of study time which includes time with supervisor


Dates and Mechanisms for Assessment Submission and Feedback



Date of Handout to Students:



Mechanism for Handout to Students:


Via eLP, discussed during Lecture

Date and Time of Submission by Student:


16 January 2021 by 15:59pm


If for personal reasons you cannot submit by that date, and you feel you have grounds for requesting an extension, you should contact nu.london@northumbria.ac.uk

Mechanism for Submission of Work by student:

Electronic submission via Turnitin

Date by which Work, Feedback and Marks will be returned to students:

Within 20 working days after submission of this assignment

Mechanism for return of assignment work, feedback and marks to students: Formal feedback will be provided via Blackboard module site following completion of all reviews and internal moderation of results.

Assignment Brief


Coursework description

You are required to investigate the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of one of the topics below. You are expected to research the technical details of the vulnerability, how it can be done, the impact of this vulnerability and the risks it poses on the networks and the businesses. You are also expected to identify methods that are used or proposed to prevent attacks and mitigate those risks.



1.  Eavesdropping in Bluetooth networks.

2.  IoT wireless networks security issues.

3.  Wireless LAN rogue access point

4.  Student can choose a different attack if it is agreed by lecturer



You will need to select your topic 1 week after the handout and send an email to your lecturer with

the topic of your choice.

You are required to use the template available in assessment page (IEEE template)

You are expected to use research papers and reference them in your document.

Papers you reference need to be recent.


Learning Outcomes

The following Learning outcomes will be addressed in this assignment:

LO2. Be able to describe, explain critically and assess wireless and mobile data communication

technologies deployed along with associated security issues.

LO3. Critically analyse 802.11 protocol information and demonstrate skills in designing secure

wireless networks

LO4. Apply suitable security measures to protect wireless networks against known weaknesses


Marking Schemes



It is advantageous if your report is structured in a manner that reflects the allocation of marks below: Abstract (max 100 words (discuss





Literature review on the topic.


Technical background on the vulnerability


Risk assessment of the impact of the chosen

vulnerability/ies on the user/network


Methods to protect against this attack (Research

different methods)


Recommendation of a suitable solution to mitigate the threats caused by the chose



Conclusion and further studies




Appendix (if needed)



Word count: You should not exceed 7 pages using the template with the same font size.

Academic Integrity Statement


You must adhere to the university regulations on academic conduct. Formal inquiry proceedings will be instigated if there is any suspicion of plagiarism or any other form of misconduct in your work. Refer to the University’s Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards if you are unclear as to the meaning of these terms. The latest copy is available on the University website.

https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and- teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/


Formative Feedback

There will be an opportunity for formative feedback during the semester. You are advised to start working on this assignment as early as possible so that you can seek clarification from the module tutor regarding any questions you might have during the semester. Note that tutors will not predict your grade, and you should not take the lack of comment on any aspect of your work as indicating that it is correct. You should make every effort to take advantage of formative feedback as tutors will not comment on draft work at other times. Remember that you will get more useful feedback from us by asking specific questions.


Penalties for Exceeding Word Limits:

The actual word count is to be declared on the front of the assessment submission. If a given task has a word limit, the following penalties will be applied after any reductions in mark due to late submission have been made, Penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on Word Limits Policy.

https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and- teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/

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Late Submission Policy:

For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand-in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark. Penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on the Late submission work.

https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and- teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/


For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.

Failure to submit: The University requires all students to submit assessed coursework by the deadline stated in the assessment brief. Where coursework is submitted without approval after the published hand-in deadline, penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on the Late Submission of Work.


https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality-and- teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/


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