How to do a good special occasion speech outline?

Friday, 22 October 2021


How to do a good special occasion speech outline?

Special occasion speeches have a variety of use in a lot of occasions. These speeches are given to pay tribute to a person or an event. The special occasion speeches should be heart-touching and personal, while being impactful emotionally. A good special occasion speech outline will include a heartfelt beginning, a brief of all about the person/event followed by a special message at the end. Special occasion speeches must leave the audience feel more connected to the theme/topic of your speech.

What should a special occasion speech outline include?

A good special occasion speech outline is crucial to a good special occasion speech. It is the very first step after choosing the special occasion speech topic. Special occasion speech outline should be written with a lot of thought because that is what will make your speech memorable.

Follow the given guidelines to write the best special occasion speech outline for the special occasion you are attending. Ask yourself the following questions about the special occasion speech outline before starting.

·         The type of occasion you are attending

·         Your role in the occasion

·         Who are you speaking for?

·         Formal vs Informal style of communication

·         What should be the duration of the speech?

·         What is the purpose of the speech?

·         Should you include a personal anecdote in your speech?

Special occasion speech outline should include all the elements of a good essay. It includes

Introduction and the main thesis or the main idea of the special occasion speech

The introduction of the special occasion speech outline must be a heartwarming and short intro of the topic of your special occasion speech. For example, the special occasion speech can be a tribute to a teacher or professor from your educational institution. The start of the special occasion speech should be about attention-grabbing. Talk about all the good characteristics of your teacher.

The thesis should include how the teacher has been a blessing for your growth at the institution. You should talk about what the teacher means to you and how blessed you feel about his presence at the institution.

The main body of the special occasion speech

The main body would include some incidents that relate to the topic. If we go further on the example of giving tribute to your teacher, the main body will include how the teacher has helped you, some memories you have of your teacher, what makes him/her so special.

The main body should help the audience connect with your emotions.

The conclusion of the special occasion speech

This part of the speech will include the summarized influence of the person or event on your life. Explain how your life has been because of that person or event. The conclusion must be about 5 to 6 sentences. Briefly summarize the theme of your special occasion. The speech must end on a sweet note. Include a well-wishing statement for the tribute.

Special occasion speeches are meant to be written informally to leave an impact on the audience. You have to write what you feel and only then the audience can truly understand what you feel.

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