Synthesis essay topics: The best and newest topics 2021

Wednesday, 13 October 2021


Synthesis essay topics: The best and newest topics 2021

Writing a synthesis essay is one of those writings that require a lot of research and attention to detail. What is a synthesis essay? A synthesis essay is a piece of writing in which the writer claims a unique viewpoint, comparing and contrasting it with other popular opinions and observations by others. It requires an in-depth comparison of the thesis of the synthesis essay with each of the sources to make the synthesis essay more credible and reliable. The first step to writing a successful synthesis essay is finding a topic.

How to choose the best synthesis essay topics

A good selection of the synthesis essay topic is crucial before you start your research. Some points that you can keep in mind when looking for the synthesis essay topic are:

·         The topic must be debatable.

·         The topic should not be generic.

·         The topic should be flexible.

·         The topic must interest you.

The topic must have these qualities to it. But to reduce the struggles of writing a synthesis essay for you. We have curated a list of synthesis essay topics for you to choose from.

Easy synthesis essay topics

·         Should education cost nothing?

·         What is the relation between poverty and health?

·         How does culture affect personality?

·         What is the ultimate solution to defeat poverty?

·         What social evils are overlooked in society?

Good synthesis essay topics

·         How has technology changed the way we network?

·         How do video games affect a child's psychology?

·         What is the role of museum/site visits for students?

·         Does social media support stereotypes?

·         Does technology really help people?

Argumentative synthesis essay topics

·         Should we rehabilitate or imprison a criminal?

·         Are audiobooks an effective way of reading books?

·         What is the number one cause of unhappiness in people?

·         Does class size affect the students' performance in a class?

·         Should athletes be paid for their performance?

Explanatory synthesis essay topics

·         Why has smoking become a trend in teenagers?

·         What are the roots of racism?

·         What are the effects of social media on people?

·         How has AI changed job opportunities?

·         What causes color blindness?

Informative synthesis essay topics

·         What are the benefits of art education?

·         What are the origins of wars?

·         What are the determinants of a good life?

·         How has climate change affected life expectancy?

·         What minor habits can improve the overall health of people?

Research synthesis essay topics

·         Is a college education really necessary?

·         Is exploring space important for the human race to survive?

·         What is the reason for growing divorce rates?

·         Can homeschooling young children help them in the long run?

·         How can we combat terrorism?

AP Lang synthesis essay topics

·         Explain the benefits of cultural diversity in schools?

·         What is more important to succeed: talent or hard work?

·         Should we consider TV shows as art?

·         Does fiction distract people from the problems in real-life?

·         What is the role of money in the happiness levels in society?

There are a lot of topics you can choose from for your synthesis essay. Make sure that the topic you choose should be interesting to you first. If you want to write about wars, you can make your own topic on it. You can write about any topic as long as you can write it from one perspective.

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