IBL-Research Structure.

you should report the work that has already been done on your topic. Explain how other people’s research is relevant to yours. Write in an analytical

Friday, 21 January 2022

1. Introduction

Aim of the report / research (purpose of research?)
- State the importance of the topic (Why have you chosen this topic?)
- Briefly provide some background information
(This could be about chosen organization of choice and the reason for choosing
company. You could briefly mention here how this organization relates to the topic of
Clarify the concept/ terminologies (briefly state how you intend on carrying out
research (do not explain techniques or methods here).
Objectives of research What do you want to find out?

1.What is the question you want to answer?
2.List them.
3.What do you want to find out?

2. Literature Review

In this section you should report the work that has already been done on your
topic. Explain how other people’s research is relevant to yours.
Write in an analytical (essay) style. compare, and contrast the information you
may find on the topic.
You can find the related literature on books, journals, official websites etc.

3. Methodologies

In this section you should clearly state how you carried out your investigation. You
need to describe what you did to conduct your investigation and follow a step-by-
step procedure of what you did.

1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
3. Quantitative technique
4. Qualitative technique

Which of the above research methods will your research / report include?

The areas below will help you to complete this section.

• How have you collected data / information for your research topic / area?
• What are the sources of information?

   - E.g., Did you use online sources /books/ journals/ newspaper etc?

• Are the data primary or secondary or both?
• Are the data qualitative or quantitative or both?
• State the benefits of your data / information collection methods.

   - E.g., If you collected information from books and journals; explain the

   - If you collected secondary data; explain its benefits.


• State the limitations (if any) of your research. For e.g.
- If you have only collected secondary data / information
- If you have collected primary data, review how reliable this is. (refer to what the
assignment task has suggested for your primary research)

4. Results and Discussion (E.g., from any data from Methodologies)

This is the section you interpret and explain your results, offering possible
reasons as to why you got the findings you did, providing evidence to back up
your explanations.

Present your finding of your research. You can use text, graphs, or diagrams.
(graphs, pie or bar charts etc., can be put into Appendices. This is after your
referencing list. However, you must let the reader know in this section
they are there.)

• Give each graph/table a title and provide a description of the information
• Discuss what your findings mean by supporting the explanation with previous

5. Recommendations

• What is the recommendation for action?
• Let reader know what they (chosen organization) should do because of
the investigation and result.

6. Conclusion (overall evaluation within this section)

• Summary of the main points of your research, the key points you have made,
telling the reader why your findings are important, in one paragraph, ending
with the message that you want to leave your readers with. This is where you
ask yourself “So what do my findings show, what does this mean and why
should the reader care?”• Suggestions for future research.

7. References

List all your sources in alphabetical order, using the Harvard Referencing style.
!!Please ensure you utilize Library Resources (via LSST connect) to source


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