U30608 ICT Configuration & Administration
Deadline For Submission: 3:30pm 7th of August 2020
Hand-in Instructions: A soft copy must be uploaded via the assessments section of the U30608
Moodle website
Instructions for completing
This 2nd attempt must be completed on an individual basis working at
home. Detailed instructions for the required setup can be found in the
next page. The deliverable is a mini e-logbook and it will be marked
exactly like the actual logbook was marked in class therefore it must
contain screenshots of your work, explanation of the screenshots and
the methodology of everything you did.
Examiners: Mr Vasileios Adamos
1. Building of the Linux Virtualised Host
For this coursework you will need to create a working CentOS 7 Client-Server environment. To set this up you will need to create a Virtual machine on your home computer and use that as you would in the lab. Please note that you are only marked for tasks 1 and 2. The VM is required so that you can complete both tasks.
Instructions to build the VM are as follows:
Windows and Linux users must use VMWARE Player. You can get it here:
Mac users can use Virtualbox as downloaded here:
However, there is some negative feedback about this online so I can give you an article that lists the most popular alternatives:
Please use the link below to download the CentOS 7 iso:
Task 1: BUILD YOUR VM (40 marks)
Create a VM with as much RAM and HDD space as you can, follow the Labsheet 1 installation instructions with regards to disk partitioning and package selection but leave the networking aspects to default.
The only difference in your final VM should be the IP address. You should configure your VM in NAT networking mode and let it acquire an IP address from your host. From there on follow all the normal lab sheets in exactly the same way but by replacing the eno1 (now called ens33) network card settings with whatever IP address and network settings VMware has allocated to your VM through its DHCP server.
To be awarded full marks for this task a working Linux Vm must be created and screenshots of all the steps to get there must be documented and explained.
Task 2: Kickstart (60 marks)
To be awarded full marks for this task you must configure your existing Vm as a Kickstart Server and create a 2nd blank VM to use as a Client and Kickstart it. To be awarded full marks for this task a working 2nd VM must be created through Kickstart and all associated screenshots clearly demonstrating the automated creation must be present and explained.
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