International Environment and Business Functions

Thursday, 20 August 2020



Module Handbook


BUSI 1332 - International Environment and Business Functions

Level 4: 30 Credits

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19



1. WELCOME ...........................................................................................................................................3

2. INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULE .........................................................................................................4

2.1 AIMS ................................................................................................................................................4

2.2 LEARNING OUTCOMES ...........................................................................................................................4

2.3 ENQUIRY BASED LEARNING AND RESEARCH LED TEACHING................................................................................4

2.4 EMBEDDING EMPLOYABILITY IN THE CURRICULUM..........................................................................................5

2.5 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES ..........................................................................................................5

2.6 EXPECTED STUDY TIME ...........................................................................................................................5

2.7 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

3. CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................................................................7

3.1 EXTERNAL EXAMINING OF YOUR MODULE AND PROGRAMMES OF STUDY ..............................................................7

4. MODULE CONTENT AND DESIGN ..........................................................................................................8

4.1 PLANNED TERM DATES: .........................................................................................................................9

4.2 SESSION PLAN .....................................................................................................................................9

4.3 SESSION REQUIRED READING .................................................................................................................11

5. ASSESSMENT DETAILS ........................................................................................................................11

5.1 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................12

5.2 RULES FOR ANONYMOUS SUBMISSION AND MARKING: ...................................................................................12

5.3 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................12

6. OTHER DETAILS..................................................................................................................................12

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


1. Welcome

Welcome to the University of Greenwich Business School and a particular welcome to the module International Business Environment (BUSI 1332). Businesses are complex and they operate in a complex environment.

The module is divided into four parts:

1. The first topic, which takes place in the second week of the first term, introduces you to the Module.

2. The second topic investigates the environmental context of business, such as globalization, the economy and the state, the role of technology and related issues.

3. The third topic introduces you to the organizational and strategic contexts of business. You will learn about business goals, structure and ownership, but also about issues directly related to management decisions at a strategic level like management and leadership, business ethics and strategy.

4. The fourth topic covers the activities context, introducing you to the different operational activities that businesses engage in, like innovation, marketing or HRM.

The module ends with three weeks of revision designed to prepare you for the exam.

Hopefully, this handbook will tell you everything that you need to know about the contents and operation of the Module. But if this is not the case, do not hesitate to approach either your tutor or myself. Remember, we are here to help, but can only do so if you make your concerns known to us.

It is crucial that you attend both lectures and tutorials. How you manage your time is up to you but there is a direct correlation between attendance and assignment scores. You should be fully engaged in any lessons. If you miss any classes you will need to have a plan to make up time with your own efforts.

It is important that you do the preparation set for the tutorial in order to get the most from the teaching. Make sure you read the case studies in advance and answer the questions before the tutorial.

I look forward to meeting you all in the near future. I wish you a great year!

Dr. Dorottya Sallai

Module Leader

Room: QA 105

020 8331 9198

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


2. Introduction to the Module

Business is a complex activity, calling for a wide range of skills, knowledge and application. Of particular concern are the external factors that affect business and which, it is argued, are generally outside the control of individual enterprises. These factors exist, of course, at national, regional and international levels.

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to the various components of this and other analytical tools, with the objective of understanding how business operates and situating it in its broader context.

2.1 Aims

The ethos of the module can be summarized as “managing in a complex world”. Accordingly, students will examine how external influences affect the decisions and operations of today's organizations. These include the role of culture, diversity and ethics; the effect of unpredictable political and economic conditions; and the impact on business of social factors, technological change and globalization. The capacity of businesses – both individually and jointly – to influence their environment will also be discussed, while a further aim is to develop in students a set of skills that they can take forward into their second and third years.

The module aims to put you at the centre of your learning experience. As part of this we make frequent use of Enquiry Based Learning (EBL). This is an approach based on self-directed enquiry or investigation in which you are actively engaged in the process of enquiry facilitated by your tutor. EBL uses real life scenarios (for example from case studies, or company visits) and you will investigate topics of relevance that foster the skills of experimental design, data collection, critical analysis and problem-solving.

Your learning is supported by research conducted here, elsewhere in the world and also by yourselves. This Research Based Teaching (RBT) approach involves introducing you to research conducted by your tutors where it is relevant to the curriculum being taught. They will also draw on their own knowledge of research developments in the field, introducing you to the work of other researchers. Furthermore RBT sees you as active participants in the research process, not just as an audience. This is achieved by discussing such developments in lectures and classes, and setting reading lists including recent research publications at the frontier of the field.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of business

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the various aspects of a firm’s operating environment and their impact on firm performance

3. Analyse and critique given environmental situations (e.g., in the form of case studies)

4. Demonstrate an understanding of core business functions

5. Apply a range of theoretical business models to practical situations

2.3 Enquiry Based Learning and Research Led Teaching

Enquiry-Based Learning (EBL)

Defined as ‘an approach based on self-directed enquiry or investigation in which the student is actively engaged in the process of enquiry facilitated by a teacher. EBL uses real life scenarios (for example, from case studies, company visits, and project work) and students investigate topics of relevance that

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


foster the skills of experimental design, data collection, critical analysis and problem-solving’.

On this module EBL will be used through case studies and real life business scenarios.

Research-Led Teaching (TLD)

An element of EBL which involves faculty introducing students to their own research where it is relevant to the curriculum being taught as well as drawing on their own knowledge of research developments in the field, introducing them to the work of other researchers. TLD sees students as active participants in the research process, not just as an audience. This is achieved by discussing such developments in lectures and classes, and setting reading lists including recent research publications at the frontier of the field. The definition of a diverse assessment regime at the programme level (incorporating an expectation of familiarity with, and use of, such publications in assignments) and the inclusion of projects at every level of the programme is also fundamental to achieving these objectives.

In this module students are encouraged to read academic articles and investigate case studies by doing external research into their area of interest. Students are encouraged to integrate academic research into their presentations and coursework.

2.4 Embedding Employability in the Curriculum

a. Cognitive Skills

During the module you will be exposed to different sorts of problems, start making reasoned judgements and reflect on these judgements.

b. Generic Competencies

You will be involved in group work, which will help you to learn to set goals including influencing, planning, questioning, listening, persuading, interpersonal sensitivity.

You will also prepare presentations with your peers that will help to improve your managerial skills.

c. Organisational Awareness

You will have opportunities in the module to find out about organizations and structures within relevant sectors.

2.5 Learning and teaching activities


The lectures will provide a comprehensive conceptual framework of the key areas of one aspect of the topic under investigation and will take the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Please note that the PowerPoint presentations will be uploaded onto the module Moodle site at the start of the module, but that the contents may slightly change during the year.

You are advised to do some reading on the lecture topic before attending each lecture. All of the recommended textbooks can be found in the Library. However, if you wish to buy one book, I would suggest that you purchase Needle D. (2015) Business in Context 6. edition, London: Cengage Learning or The Business Environment, Palmer and Hartley. Both are relatively inexpensive, easy-to-understand, and cover most (though certainly not all) of the topics studied.


Each tutorial will relate to the preceding lecture. This means that the tutorial of a given topic takes place in the week following the lecture. In the first instance your tutor should be your first point of contact, but

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


if the problem is not resolved please contact me.

You are required to attend the tutorial to which you have been allocated. Please ensure that you bring your student card with you to every tutorial so that it can be scanned.

Tutorials will be devoted to the analysis of case studies and the exploration of related issues. Case studies and the related questions will cover the practical application of some theory or premise covered in the proceeding week’s lecture. You are required to read and think about the case study to be discussed before attending the tutorial. Case studies can be found on the module Moodle site under ‘Learning Modules’. Your tutor will not be printing the case study materials, you will need to provide them for yourself and bring them with you to the tutorial. Of course, using a laptop or tablet is an excellent method for doing this, but be aware that you may not have wireless reception in your tutorial room.

In the first term, a number of tutorials will be devoted to the group presentation assignments. Groups will deliver a presentation on that week’s case study, and, after ten minutes of questions and answers, a wider discussion will take place.


The Context & Regulatory Framework of Business Moodle site contains the following:

• All the PowerPoint lecture slides. These will be particularly useful when you begin to revise for the exam.

• All the tutorial case studies. Either print off all the cases at the start of the academic year or individually before each tutorial.

• Announcements. I will place here any announcements that I need to make about the module. You are advised to check this part of the site at least once per week.

Self-managed learning

Please note that students are required to undertake directed and self-managed learning and research in their own time. Merely attending lectures and tutorials is not sufficient to pass this module!

Personal contact

If you have any queries or worries about the module, first point of contact is your tutor. If you feel that you need to contact me, please do so via e-mail. I try to answer all my e-mail messages in two days, though this is sometimes not possible. If you would like to see me, please arrange an appointment with me via e-mail. My office is QA 105.

2.6 Expected study time



Overall percentage of total

Scheduled teaching



Guided Independent Study



Placement / Year Abroad






BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


3. Contact Details


Email address

Phone number

Module Leader:

Dr. Dorottya Sallai

QA 105

0208 331 9198

Module Tutors:

Dr Vladimir Popov

QA 044

0208 331 8466

Dr Franziska Sohns


0208 331 8312

Dr Adotey Bing-Pappoe

QM 164

0208 331 9633

Ron Gibson

Please see your programme handbook for more detail.

3.1 External Examining of Your Module and Programmes of Study

External examining at the University of Greenwich provides one of the principal means whereby the University verifies, maintains, and enhances the academic standards of the modules and the programme on which you are studying. They also help the University to ensure that your assessment processes are sound, fairly operated and in line with the policies and regulations of the University of Greenwich.

External examiners - academic staff from other Higher Education Institutions or from the professions - are appointed as reviewers of your modules and your programme of study for a period of 4 years. They provide the University with a number of important services. For example external examiners will

• Review and comment on the standard of key elements of assessment that you have been set.

• Review samples of student work and confirm whether the standard is at the level expected for the award you are studying and whether it is comparable with other Institutions that they know.

• Provide the University with an independent view of how well we conduct our processes for marking and internal moderation of assessments.

• Attend Progress and Awards Boards (PABs) and contribute to deliberations for conferring your degree classifications and awards, assisting the University in treating all students fairly and consistently with regard to our regulations. External examiners will endorse the outcomes of PABs based on their scrutiny of the assessments and the deliberations of the PAB. No degree award can be made without the assent of an external examiner.

• Report formally their findings to the University at the end of each year and identify our good practice as well as making recommendations for improvements in the future.

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


External Examiner reports for your programme of study, or questions about the reports, can be retrieved by you contacting your local Academic Quality Unit Quality Manager, who is: Nikki Makinwa,

Is there anything an external examiner won’t be asked to do?

External examiners will not mark your work personally and nor will they comment upon individual student performance or individual works in their reports or engage in correspondence with individuals in respect of grades, marking, feedback, degree class and other personal academic matters. For these you will need to speak to your tutors and programme leader.

The external examiner for your module of study is:

Name: Dr Stephanie Paladini

University/College: Coventry University

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


4. Module Content and Design

4.1 Planned Term Dates: Term One

First Week (induction for new students)

17.09.18 – 21.09.18

Term One Teaching block (university weeks 2 – 13)

24.09.18 – 14.12.18

Module Evaluation Form collection for Term 1

26.11.18 – 14.12.18

Bank Holidays:

25.12.18, 26.12.18, 01.01.19

University closed:

from 12.30 pm 22.12.17, reopens 02.01.18 Term Two First Week (induction for new students)

07.01.19 – 11.01.19

Term Two Teaching block (university weeks 18-29)

14.01.19 – 05.04.19

Module Evaluation Form collection for Term 2

25.03.19 – 05.04.19

Bank Holidays:

19.04.18, 22.04.19, 06.05.18, 27.05.18

University closed:

from 5:00 pm 19.04.19, reopens 23.04.19 Term Three First Week (induction for new students)

29.04.19 – 03.05.19

Term Three Teaching block (university weeks 34-45)

06.05.19 – 26.07.19 Exam weeks

Winter Exam Period (if relevant) (university week 17)

07.01.19 - 11.01.19

Spring Exam Period (if relevant) (university weeks 33-35)

29.04.19 – 17.05.19

Resit Exam Period /Summer Exam Period (if relevant) (university weeks 44/45)

22.07.19 – 09.08.19

Please note these dates are correct at time of publication – please check for updates at:

4.2 Session Plan

Term One


Session Title and Description

Reading to complete

Module 1: Introduction


25 Sept


1.1 Introduction to the module – key concepts and terms


1.1 Introduction to the module and assessment

Module 2: Environmental context


2 Oct


2.1 Business and its context



2.0 Academic fees



9 Oct


2.2 Globalization


2.1 Case study: Tesco and the changing retail environment

Page 22 Business environment in a global context, Andrew Harrison, 2e.


16 Oct


2.3 MNCs and market entry


2.2 The Real Price of your Morning Coffee



23 Oct


2.4 Economic environment


2.3 Diebold Inc.



30 Oct


2.5 The state and the political environment

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19



2.4 Asian tigers



6 Nov


2.6 Market structures


2.5 UK’s EU membership and Brexit



13 Nov


2.7 Technology and Labour


2.6 Apple aims for bigger bite of music market



20 Nov


2.8 Cultural environment


2.7. Containerization



27 Nov


2.9 Demographic and social environment


2.8 Hollywood and the Rise of Cultural Protectionism


Module 3: Organizational and strategic context


4 Dec


3.1 Goals and structure of business organizations


2.9 Pension crises



11 Dec


3.2 Organizational ownership and growth


3.1 Dominos Pizza


Term Two


Session Title and Description

Reading to complete


15 Jan


Revision for assignment


Revision for assignment


22 Jan


3.3 Management and Leadership


3.2 The failed merger of Renault and Volvo



29 Jan


3.4 Strategy


3.3 Executive pay in the UK: A review of recent issues

Page 264 Business in Context,

Needle 2015


5 Feb


3.5 Business ethics


3.4 Microsoft and Nokia


Module 4: Business Functions


12 Feb


4.1 Innovation


3.5 The Volkswagen scandal



19 Feb


4.2 HRM


4.1 What disruptive innovation means



26 Feb


4.3 Marketing / Guest Lecture


4.2 IBM’s HR strategy



5 Mar


4.4 Guest lecture / Factory visit option


4.3 McDonald’s marketing



12 Mar


4.5 Finance and Accounting


4.5 EU ruling on Apple


19 Mar


Exam Revision


Exam Revision



26 Mar


Exam Revision


Exam Revision


2 Apr


Exam Revision


Exam Revision





BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


4.3 Session Required Reading

University Week for required completion:


See Session Self Study sections (above).

Needle D. (2015) Business in Context 6. edition, London: Cengage Learning

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Palmer A. and Hartley R. The Business Environment. McGraw Hill

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Brooks, Ian; Weatherston, Jamie; Wilkinson, Graham. 2011., International Business Environment. [online]. Financial Times/ Prentice Hall. Available from:<> 1 July 2015

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Sallai, D. (2013), European Union Lobbying and the Golden Cage of Post-Socialist Network Capitalism in Hungary. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 51: 948–964. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12029

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Hill, Charles W. L. International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace. McGraw Hill

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Brinkman, John; Navarro, Ilve; Harper, Donna. 2014., Unlocking the Business Environment. [online]. Routledge. Available from:<> 1 July 2015

See Session Self Study sections (above).

Hall and Soskice (2001) Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage

5. Assessment Details

The assessment comprises:

1. A presentation, delivered in a group, but graded individually. This will account for 20% of the final mark. Presentations will take place during the first term, in tutorials, and be on one of Term One’s case studies. The presentation is delivered in class and will be graded by the tutor in class. Although students will receive a grade, as this assessment is a formative exercise the final mark for the presentation will be integrated into the mark on the REFLECTIVE REPORT.

Students have to upload the presentation on Moodle together with their Reflective Report in the submission point for the REFLECTIVE REPORT by 3 pm on the 28th of January.

2. Reflective Report. This will account for 30% of the final mark.The Reflective Report is a short 500-word report, in which students explain how the case study that they had presented in class is or may be linked to theory/business context that we discussed at the lecture. The Reflective Report is an individual work and should be written individually, NOT in a group. It should be uploaded on Moodle. The last date for uploading the Reflective Report is 3 pm on 28th January 2019. The reflective report should be uploaded together with the Presentation and will be graded together on Moodle. Group presentation and Reflection together count for 50 % and are graded together in one document. Failure to submit the presentation with the Reflection will count 0 for the presentation, even if you presented in class!

3. A two-hour closed book examination, which will account for 50% of the final mark. For more information on the examination, see below.

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


5.1 Summary of assessment

Assessment Title

Weight towards final grade


Due Date


Submission Required?

Anticipated Return Date

Header Sheet number

Group presentation


Twenty minutes presentation

28 January 2019, 3pm


18 February, 2019

Reflective Report


500 words

28 January, 2019, 3pm


18 February, 2019



Two hours




5.2 Rules for anonymous submission and marking:

The University has adopted anonymous marking on most modules, as research shows that this is the fairest and most equitable approach for all students.

Therefore, unless instructed by the module leader to use a non-anonymous approach for a particular reason, you are required to ensure you do not include your name anywhere on your work, i.e. it must not appear on the front of the document, in the text, in headers and footers etc. In addition, you must ensure that the file that you upload is only identified by ID number and does not have a name that can identify you.

When you upload in TurnItIn you will be asked to give your submission a title – again DO NOT use your own name in this title.

The Business Faculty has made allowances that some assignment topics will not be submitted anonymously; this includes some portfolios and all final year dissertations/projects. If you are in doubt, please talk to your module leader.

There is more guidance in your Programme Handbook

5.3 Detailed description of assessment

5.3.1. Group Presentation

Choice of group members and topics The tutors will select the presenters at random for the following week’s presentation. In this way all presenters have one week in which to prepare. The topic of the presentation will be the same as the tutorial topic for the week of the presentation. In other words, when a student is selected to give a presentation they will need to read about the next week’s case study and answer the related presentation questions given at the bottom of the case study.

Nature of the presentation Each group will deliver a presentation on a case study for no more than twenty minutes. There will then be up to ten minutes of questions from your peers and the tutor, which you will be expected to answer.

A Presentation Grade Sheet will be used for assessing the contributions of the members of each group. The presentation grade is an individual grade.

BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


Delivery should be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation or other materials. The first screen should contain the case title and your names and the final screen a bibliography.

Failure to present in class will result in you not receiving a mark for the assignment.

Assessment criteria Your presentation will be marked on:

Marking Criteria

Marks allocated to criteria:

Workshare – the students should distribute this 10% amongst themselves. (individual)


Content and research. (group)


Quality of the PowerPoint presentation or Overhead Projector slides (eg. overall design, use of fonts and bullet points, grammatical and accurately spelt contents) (group)


Delivery (e.g. confidence, posture, eye contact with the audience, clear speech, minimum use of notes, professionalism, smooth speaker handovers) (individual)


Answers to audience and tutor questions (individual)


Feedback Each student will receive verbal feedback immediately after the delivery of the presentation.

5.3.2 Reflective Report

The Reflective Report is a short 500-word report, in which students explain how the case study that they had presented in class is / or may be linked to theory/business context that we discussed at the lecture. The Reflective Report is an individual work and should be written individually, NOT in a group. The last date for uploading the Reflective Report, together with the presentation is 3 pm on 27th of January 2019.

Assessment criteria Your review will be marked on:

Marking Criteria

Marks allocated to criteria:


This will be the presentation grade that you have received on the tutorial



Does the reflection discuss the theory or theories that are linked to the presented case study?



Does the essay reflect a comprehensive understanding of the topic area?



Is the essay well presented, clearly written, spell checked, free from typographical errors, correctly referenced, and written in grammatically correct English? Does the referencing follow the Harvard-style?


Please note that ALL module works will be put through the Turn-it-in plagiarism software programme and that plagiarism at this University is dealt with extremely severely. It is therefore very important that you write your answers in your own words, and that you do not use the words of other authors or copy the work of any other student on the module. In addition, your work should be new and not recycled from another one of your submissions. If you wish to quote an article, place the quote in quotation marks (“”) and reference it (eg. Brown 1992).

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Please ensure that your written work contains your registration number, name and the name of your tutor.

5.3.3. Examination

The two-hour examination will be closed-book, held at the end of the module and will account for 50% of the final mark. It will aim to assess your knowledge and understanding of all of the module material. The exam will contain six questions, of which you will have to answer four questions. Each question will account for 25% of the final mark.

Details of the time and place of the exam should be available in early May. You will be e-mailed the details, which will also be announced in the first revision lecture and placed in the Announcements section of the module Moodle site. Please note that because of the size of the module, it is highly likely that the exam will be held on the Avery Hill/Blackheath campuses. If this is the case, details of transport links to these two campuses can be found in the exam timetable section of the University website. You are strongly advised to check transport arrangements before travelling and to arrive at the exam Centre thirty minutes before the examination starts.

You will find previous year’s exam papers in the Portal. However, their contents are no guide to future examination topics. There will be revision lectures and tutorials at the end of the module to help you prepare for the examination.

Re-sit Assessment

Your coursework and exam results will be reviewed by a Subject Assessment Panel (which looks at the module) and a Progression and Award Board (which reviews your progress) and the deliberations of these two committees will determine whether you have failed any coursework or exams and whether you will be offered the chance to complete resits. Please note that there is no automatic right to resits; whether these are offered depends on your overall progress and engagement.

If you have been notified that you have to complete coursework resits, check on your module’s Moodle site where the details of the assessment task, submission dates and methods will be explained. If you have been notified that you have to complete exam resits review the University’s exam timetable on the Student Portal

Re-sit assessments

1. The Group Presentation and Reflection will be replaced by an individual essay that answers the questions of a FIRST TERM tutorial case study. The students must NOT choose the same case on which they previously delivered a presentation. The cases can be found on the module moodle site. The essay should be 1,000 words (+/- 10 per cent). The marking criteria is below:

Marking Criteria

Marks allocated to criteria:


Do the essay answer the questions asked? Care should be taken not to include information that is not relevant to the answer.



Do the two answers effectively summarise the theory needed to answer the questions?



Do the answers reflect a comprehensive understanding of the topic area of the questions and of the theories discussed?


Clarity of structure

Are the answers well organised and logically constructed eg. have they Introductions and Conclusions, are they split into headed self-contained sections?


Mechanical Soundness/Style


BUSI 1332, International Environment and Business Functions 2018-19


Is the essay well presented, clearly written, spell checked, free from typographical errors, correctly referenced, and written in grammatically correct English? Is there a Bibliography/Reference List which contains entries that conform to the Harvard referencing style?

NB. Details of the Harvard referencing system can be found in the Undergraduate Student Handbook, which you received when you joined your programme. One session of your PPD module/induction should also have been devoted to referencing.

2. Exam. The students are asked to sit the resit exam.

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6. Other Details

The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been brought together into your programme handbook. Please refer to your programme handbook for any further information you might require including:

• How to submit assignments,

• Deadlines and extenuating circumstances,

• Plagiarism and referencing,

• Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned,

• How to provide us with feedback,

• Key administrative procedures.

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