Tuesday 9 February 2021

Mobile App Development


Project- Instructions

Title of Project

                        The   Mobile   app   project   should   be   about a web-commerce       based             company      and be


                        Target   client               company (commercial   business, social/charity based business etc.)

Project Deliverables

Phase 1: Planning

Prepare an initial Project Plan for discussion for your proposed project. The proposal report should include at least the following:


      Discussion notes: Title of project and a list of group members

     Mission statement

     Target audience

     Intended market space

     Strategic analysis

     Marketing matrix

     Development timeline

     Preliminary budget

Phase 1 (extra): Analysis

You    are    required    to    submit    an analysis document, which contains the new logical model:


      Data and Process Modeling


  DFD  Diagrams (Context Diagram, Diagram 0 DFD, Lower-Level Diagrams)

  Data Dictionary

  Includes the description

Phase 3: Design

Transform the initial idea & logical model into a detailed design for the final app. The design should include:

     Database design: There is no need to implement the database. Includes the description

     Screen shots of User Interface Design

Phase 4: Implementation

Transform the design into a working mobile app.

Phase 5: Final Report

You should include the corrected Phase 1 to Phase 4 deliverables in the final report. A default table of contents is:


       Introduction (Phase 1)

       Analysis (Phase 2)

       Design (Phase 3)

       Summary of the project





     Please note:





This mobile app development constitutes:

    30% (30 marks) - Submission is in a form of a mobile app.

    20% (20 marks) - Final report of the mobile app development (week 15) – refer to the report template slides.

    10% (10 marks) – Video presentation – an informative video regarding the app.

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