Web Technologies

Wednesday, 3 February 2021


Assessment Task  


You are required to develop a database driven website using appropriate web technologies for a scenario of your choice.  Your website must meet the following criteria: 


1) Database 


The website must utilise a database.   


You are expected to design the database as you see fit for this assessment however it is expected that you will have a users table that holds all the users’ records. 


You should also have at least two different types of users (for example, an admin user and a standard user).  


You should include a database schema in your report 




2) Back-End 


You are not expected to use a back-end framework.  Instead you should demonstrate your own implementation using PHP. 



3) Front-End 


Your website should provide a means for the user to login as well as a dashboard/main page from which the key or main functionality of the website can be accessed. 


It is expected that a basic solution will be based around standard technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.  



4) Course Specific Skills 


In addition to the above requirements you should demonstrate your understanding and implementation of web technologies that focus on the following: 


Back End 

Front End 




The back-end should be implemented as an API, that is, a set of modules with functions that allow at least the basic Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations to be executed.  This should be done using PHP. 


A more advanced solution should some incorporate security features such as protection against common attacks (e.g. SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks) and perform robust error checking. 




The back-end should utilise a database.  A basic solution should consist of normalised tables which store and allow retrieval of login details as well as information relevant to the scenario. 




The front-end should utilise a core web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). A basic solution should layout the user interface using suitable semantic elements and provide a basic look and feel.  A more advanced solution should provide a fully responsive front-end that supports progressive enhancement.  


User Experience: 


The front-end should incorporate  features that enhance the user experience.  A basic solution should provide a clear way to navigate the site.  A more advanced solution should demonstrate the application of techniques that enhance the user experience and perform data validation. 







It is expected that you will produce two deliverables.  


- An implementation.  This is your website deployed on provided server. 

- A report.  This will summarise your implementation. 


You need to complete both elements to pass this assessment. 



The Implementation  


Your implementation will be graded as follows: 



For a Grade D  


Develop a basic website that allows a user to create, search, view and delete entries stored in a database.  It is expected you will use standard web technologies such as HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. 


For a Grade C  


In addition to the requirements for Grade D, develop a website with: 


a basic back-end API consisting of modules of functions that allow the creating, viewing, updating and deleting of database entries.   


a front-end that utilises the back-end API to populate the web pages and suitably structures and presents the content providing an intuitive way to navigate and/or utilise the key functionality of the website. 



For a Grade A – B  


In addition to the requirements for Grade C, the website provides: 


A mobile-first, responsive website that complies with modern standards, utilises an appropriate framework and/or toolkit and supports progressive enhancement.   


The website will have a suitable back-end API and be database driven.  For the higher grades the implementation should incorporate security features and the application UX principles. For full marks the implementation should demonstrate the application of techniques beyond the taught aspects of this module.   





The Report 


Your report should provide a summary of your implementation.  Your report will be graded as follows: 


 For a Grade D  


The report provides a summary of the key functionality that has been implemented and is consistent with the solution that has been submitted.  This should include details of the technical aspects or workings of the website (e.g. explains how a web page fetches data from the database and presents this to the user).  The report should also include an appropriate database schema. 



For a Grade C  


In addition to the requirements for Grade D, develop a website with: 


The report summarises both the front-end and back-end aspects of the  implementation including the user experience, the front-end framework, back-end API and the database.  The report also includes a brief summary and evidence to demonstrate the use of a version control repository as well as the incremental development of the website (e.g. commit history). 



For a Grade A – B  


In addition to the requirements for Grade C, the website provides: 


The report provides a concise and consistent summary of the implementation with strong supporting evidence of its development.  This should summarise all functionality that is equivalent to a Grade A – B implementation as indicated in the marking criteria for the implementation.  




How and what to submit 


You should use the assessment submission link provided on the Solent Online Learning (SOL) page for the module in order to submit your solution.   


You should submit a zip file containing your report and the website implementation including an SQL file with an export of your database.   


The website should also be deployed on the Edward 2 server and should not be modified once submission has been made. 


Page Break 

Learning Outcomes 


This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning outcomes identified in the unit descriptors. 

Late Submissions 


Students are reminded that: 


  1. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 5 working days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved; 

  1. If this assessment is submitted later than 5 working days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero; 

  1. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work (second or third attempt) then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero. 



Extenuating Circumstances 

The University’s Extenuating Circumstances procedure is in place if there are genuine circumstances that may prevent a student submitting an assessment. If students are not 'fit to study’, they can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 5 working days or they can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity (Defer).  In both instances students must submit an EC application with relevant evidence.   If accepted by the EC Panel there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission dependent on what is requested.  Students are reminded that EC covers only short term issues (20 working days) and that if they experience longer term matters that impact on learning then they must contact a Student Achievement Officer for advice. 


A summary of guidance notes for students is given below: 




Academic Misconduct 

Any submission must be students’ own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct.  Students should check this link before submitting their work. 


Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below: 





Ethics Policy 

The work being carried out by students must be in compliance with the Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then students will need an ethics release or an ethical approval prior to the start of the project. 


The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook: 



Grade marking 

The University uses a letter grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless students have been specifically informed otherwise their marked assignment will be awarded a letter grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook. 




Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL) 





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