Determining efficient C coding methods

Monday, 8 March 2021


"SoC architectures and FPGA prototyping"



Lab 7 (optional) Determining efficient C coding methods for the STM32H7 SoC

This lab’s assignments will measure execution times required for

-  adding differently defined constants;

-  the same loop defined using various C language options;

-  executing two assembly instructions and their combinations.

in order to find the most efficient ways to program typical tasks on the STM32H7 SoCs.



Please make sure that you compile the test codes with the compiler option O0 (no optimisation) with the only exception that will be mentioned specifically.

For all the assignments please use hardware acceleration options (cache enable and FPU settings) according to the last digit of your student ID number



Throughout this lab you will measure execution time of various code snippets using the following hardware and software mechanism:

-  ARM provides a 24 bit timer (system timer) with each of their Cortex M cores; this timer counts the system clock cycles and can trigger an interrupt when the clock count reaches some set value;

-  in the template project the system timer’s count is set to the value to trigger the interrupt every 1 ms; the interrupt service routine increments the value of the global variable that can be accessed by calling the subroutine HAL_GetTick(), for example


- therefore calling this subroutine tells the time in ms elapsed since the CPU started executing the code, and can be used for measuring time intervals;

- as the duration of the clock cycle for the 400 MHz system frequency is only 2.5 ns, 400,000 instructions are required to increase the Tick count by 1. We need to loop every code snippet for a substantial

number of times. Please use your student ID number for the loop counts throughout this lab.

The template project is available from BB, please copy it for every lab assignment, and add your codes strictly between the




Assignment 1. Measuring execution time for adding differently defined constants

Copy the template project into a directory Lab7a1, and work in this new directory.

In many programs we would like to define parameters that are easy to modify in order to adapt the code to different requirements.

This can be done by using #define statements

#define CONST1 17      // day of the month on which you were born #define CONST2 1234567         // your student ID number

or, alternatively, by using some variables for these values

uint32_t  c1=CONST1, c2=CONST2, tmp1;

These constants can be added to a variable in the following ways that are the same from the point of view of the programmer but may require different time to process by a microcontroller.

tmp1 += CONST1; tmp1 += c1;  // for CONST1 tmp1 += CONST2; tmp1 += c2;          // for CONST2


You will measure execution time for these four statements in the loop that uses your student ID number similarly to the code snippet below

#define CONST1 17      // day of the month on which you were born #define CONST2 1234567         // your student ID number

uint32_t  c1=CONST1, c2=CONST2, tmp1, ctr;


//snippet for measuring time for tmp1 += CONST1

// (you will need to add three more) sta= HAL_GetTick();

for (ctr=0; ctr<CONST2; ctr++) { tmp1 += CONST1;


fin=HAL_GetTick(); looptime=fin-sta;

printf("Loop time = %d ms\n",looptime);


// please add three more snippets for the three other options


After running the code, write down the execution times to the table


Assignment 2. Measuring execution time for differently coded loops

Copy the template project into a directory Lab7a2, and work in this new directory.

We use computers because they can do repetitive tasks many times very fast without any complains or errors. To tell a computer that we want it to repeat something, loops are used.

It is possible to use integer and floating point loop counters; it is possible to use constants or variables to define loops.

Here we are going to measure time required to execute FOR loops using various options in order to find out which is the best option for the STM32H7 MCU.

Two different types of FOR loops you will use are shown below for integer and float variables


for (ctr=0; ctr<10000000; ctr++);      // constants int

for (ctr=ctrsta; ctr<ctrfin; ctr+=ctrstep);  // variables int for (fctr=0.; fctr<10000000.; fctr+=1.);       // constants float

for (fctr=fctrsta; fctr<fctrfin; fctr+=fctrstep); // variables float



You will need to run these codes

- for integer ctr, ctrsta, ctrfin, ctrstep (uint32_t)

-for floating point fctr, fctrsta, fctrfin, fctrstep (float - add f at the start of the name to not have errors during compile).

Here is the snippet of code to run the loop for integer constants

#define CONST1 1234567  // your student ID number uint32_t  ctrsta=0, ctrfin=CONST1, ctrstep=1;

float fctr, fctrsta=0., fctrfin=(float)CONST1, fctrstep=1.;


//snippet for measuring time for integer constants

// (you will need to add three more) sta= HAL_GetTick();

for (ctr=0; ctr<CONST1; ctr++) {

// empty loop


fin= HAL_GetTick(); looptime=fin-sta;

printf("Loop time = %d ms\n",looptime);


// please add three more snippets for the three other options


Run the code and note the execution times.

Change the compiler optimisation option to O3, compile the code again, and note the execution times


Assignment 3. Measuring execution times for assembly instructions and their combinations

Copy the template project into a directory Lab7a3, and work in this new directory.

Sometimes use of assembly instructions is beneficial, and compiler we use allows mixing C and assembly instructions (but one needs to be careful not to break the compiled C code by inserting inappropriate

assembly instructions).

This assignment is dedicated to measurement of the execution time of some assembly instructions that is complicated by the pipelined and superscalar microarchitecture of Cortex M7 in the STM32H7 SoC.

In order eliminate influence of the above mentioned microarchitectural features, we will measure the execution time within the loop that includes many NOP (no operation) instructions to flush the pipeline before and after executing the instructions of interest as follows:

uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, *tmp4=&tmp3;


//snippet for measuring time for two NOPs

// (you will need to add four more snippets) sta= HAL_GetTick();

for (ctr=0; ctr<1234567; ctr++) {  // your ID number


// flush the pipeline before the instruction to be timed

     nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();

     nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();


// here will come the instruction(s) to be timed

     nop();   nop(); // two NOPs


// flush the pipeline after the instructions to be timed

     nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();

     nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop();



fin= HAL_GetTick(); looptime=fin-sta;

printf("Loop time = %d ms\n",looptime);


// please add four more snippets for the four other options




( nop() is an intrinsic instruction - instruction present in the assembly language but not defined in the standard C; it made accessible through the call to a fictional subroutine, the compiler will just place this instruction instead calling any code; note the DUAL underscore _ _ at the start of this subroutine’s name)


You will need to run this code with two NOPs (as above), with two same memory access instructions, with two same arithmetic instructions, with the arithmetic instruction followed by the memory access instruction, and the memory access instruction followed by the arithmetic instruction (5 code runs).

Select your arithmetic instruction based on the last digit of your student ID number from the following table







The instruction you will need to use in the code will be respectively

SUB1:    asm("sub tmp1,tmp2,tmp3"); SUB2:    asm("sub tmp3,tmp2,tmp1"); ADD1:    asm("add tmp1,tmp2,tmp3"); ADD2: asm("add tmp3,tmp2,tmp1");




Select your memory access instruction based on the penultimate digit of your student ID number from the following table






The instruction you will need to use in the code will be respectively

LDR1:         asm("ldr tmp1,[tmp4]");

LDR2:         asm("ldr tmp3,[tmp4]");

STR1:         asm("str tmp1,[tmp4]");

STR2:         asm("str tmp3,[tmp4]");




Note the execution times in the following table

Lab 7

Throughout the lab the following settings for the hardware acceleration were used FPU – DP / none

D-cache – enabled / disabled I-cache – enabled/disabled


This loop count was used throughout the lab:                                                                         



Assignment 1.


Screenshot of the code snippet presented in the lab sheet modified with your data

Measured execution times in the table below


Explain the reasons behind the results you have obtained



Assignment 2.


Screenshot of the code snippet presented in the lab sheet modified with your data

Execution times for differently defined loops


Comment on the measured figures (option O0) and explain why they are different if they are

Comment on the differences between the execution times obtained using the O0 and O3 compiler options



Assignment 3.



Screenshot of the code snippet presented in the lab sheet modified with your data for arithmetic then memory access instruction


Lab 8 (optional) – Adding HEX5..HEX0 peripheral to the Lab4 Soc



In the lab 4 you have developed a peripheral that allowed controlling the LEDR[7]..LEDR[0] and read switches SW[9]..SW[0] on the DE10-Lite FPGA board by amending the LED2AHB.v module. In the

previous labs we also used the HEX5..HEX0 displays. This lab is unstructured, and you need to create

another module that will enable controlling all the a.m. segments. You will need to map this peripheral to some unused address space, and write a C code to set the Christmas date on it this way 24.12.20

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