Good Commemorative Speech Topics

Monday, 25 October 2021


Good Commemorative Speech Topics

Also known as a ceremonial speech, Commemorative speech refers to the speeches given at special events or occasions that are held to celebrate an event, person, group, idea, place, situation, organization, etc. such speeches are also given at graduation ceremonies in colleges to pay respect or express gratitude by students to their academic institutions.

As commemorative speeches are so popular and are used on a variety of occasions, it is important that you write a good ceremonial speech. And it can get really confusing to pick a topic for ceremonial speeches. The topic you choose should be decent for and according to the occasion.

Four pointers that you should keep in mind when choosing the topic for graduation speech or other commemorative speeches.

·         You must understand the purpose of your speech. The topic of your ceremonial speech depends upon the kind of ceremony that you are attending.

·         You should consider the audience when you pick the topic for the commemorative speech. The topic should be relevant to the audience and should connect to them.

·         It is vital that you consider your role in the ceremony. The topic should match your designation and personality at the ceremony.

·         You should conduct a thorough research about different topics that you can pick from. Do your homework and brainstorm on the topic. The topic should fit the mood and be appropriate for the ceremony.

It can become very confusing to pick the right topic and to help you choose the best topic, we have curated a list of topics for you to choose from. Commemorative speech topics can come under specific category. The first step is to choose the category you want for the topic.

The categories include:

1.      Love / Kindness / Gentleness

2.      Loss / Suffering / Loneliness

3.      Past important memories / Bravery / Experiences

4.      Honor / Courage / Perseverance

5.      Success / Loyalty / Trust / Innocence

6.      Wisdom / Understanding / Humanity

7.      Inspiration / Hope / Beauty / Honesty

8.      Empowerment / Independence

9.      Leadership / Dedication / Self-sacrifice

10.  Tradition / Legacy / Respect

A good topic for a ceremonial speech includes emotion and is inspiring. It connects to the audience and leaves everyone motivated, or feeling positive or moved. Some topic ideas for commemorative speeches can be:

·         Tribute to a professor: talk about his/her class and the role of the professor in your life.

·         Tribute to your institution: talk about your transformation through the institution

·         Tribute to your fellows: talk about how they have become close to you more than anything else

·         Talk about the success of your group 

·         Talk about your experience at a foreign place

·         Talk about democracy and what is means to the citizens of the country

·         Great personalities of the history

·         Global human achievements

·         Milestones in the medical field

·         Milestones of any particular industry and how it has helped us develop

·         Art and culture geniuses

·         Tribute to human rights and its development

·         Celebrating culture and religion


Ceremonial speeches are meant to be memorable for you and your audience.

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