to choose the perfect gift with 5 questions
How much time do you think you should give
for thinking about a gift?
Choosing a gift is one of those tasks that
we want to do so lovingly but start dreading in the process. Gift-giving
doesn’t have to stay this way, overwhelming.
all have been there at some point. To help you ease through this process, we
recommend the following steps to choose the perfect gift for your person.
Which Questions you have to ask?
Is the person more practical or emotional?
Look closely at your person. As someone
who has given a lot of gifts, I can tell you that nobody is completely
practical or completely emotional. But look to which direction your person
tends more. Practical? Or Emotional?
How this observation affects your options
is, a person more practical isn’t gonna like something that has a picture but
can’t be used in any way. While a heart-felt gift (pictures, decorations, etc.)
will be more appreciated by an emotionally inclined person.
It is scientifically proven that people
are happier to receive practical and useful gifts.
The rule is that you don’t go too
practical in gift-giving. Every gift should have an emotion attached to it.
How close is this person to me?
How close are you to this person is the
scale on how useable the gift should be.
The lesser you are close to this person,
the more practical the gift should be.
Why does it work?
Because if your person isn’t close to you,
he/she is not gonna want your pictures in their house.
A gift that solves a problem they have,
coming from someone who they don’t consider so close. Amazing. You might get
close to them in the process. Then you will have to change your gift-giving
strategy for next year.
What is the person's lifestyle?
Next thing to consider, what does this
person do in their everyday life? How does their life look like? Give a gift
that fits their life.
You don’t want to give a yoga mat to
someone who doesn’t do yoga just because you think they should do yoga.
If this person spends a lot of time at the
office, give them something they can use there. If your person stays at home
more and likes decorating, give them something decorative.
What does this person need?
To the rescue for your dilemma, listen to
them. Give your person something they need.
Why does it work?
It works because it will show that you
care for them and understand their needs. They might need a new painting for the
hall, a new pair of jeans, a new set of skincare regimes they follow.
Give them that.
How can I solve a problem they have?
Solve a problem for them. We, humans, are
surrounded by a lot of work and things we have to do and things we need to get.
Identify something that they have to do or have been thinking or talking about
doing. And do it for them. Do the research that they need to do before buying
their new laptop. Book a massage session for them. You can do something that
puts them at ease on their special day or any day.
Whatever you choose to buy for them, don’t
forget to buy chocolates and flowers with them. No matter how practical a gift
you buy, it needs to have an emotion attached to it.
Don’t think too much about a gift, it’s
definitely the thought that counts (given that you have given it a thought ).
Go through our list of gifts recommended
to further make the process simple.
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