Friday, 31 July 2020

 Electrical Machines and Drives

Electrical Machines and Drives

UK assignment helper
P24727- Electrical Machines and DrivesCoursework-Second AttemptDeadline For Submission: The submission deadline is as published on the Moodle dropbox associated with this submissionSubmission Instructions A report containing the information required

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Advanced DSP Techniques

Advanced DSP Techniques

UK assignment helper
Academic Year 2019/20P21417 – Advanced DSP TechniquesSecond Attempt Assessment - CourseworkDeadline for Submission:Instructions:Complete both tasks.Type your report (required for Task 2) and neatly write your answers (required for Task
Design Evaluation Methodology

Design Evaluation Methodology

UK assignment helper
Sheffield Hallam University Department of Engineering & Mathematics55-601016 Design Evaluation Methodology (2019-20)REFERRAL TASK – No-CADThis referral task is to be carried out individually and follows the same three stagedevelopment