School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
IN3060: Computer Vision
Coursework for UG students:
Face recognition
Submission details
You must submit your project to Moodle by 5pm, Wednesday 26 August 2020. Differently
from the sit period, no module-wide extensions will be granted. The submission must
include your project report (PDF format), all the produced source code, a readme.txt file
(with the instructions on how to run the implemented methods), the trained models, and a
screen capture video (mp4, or any other format executable by the latest version of the VLC
Standard lateness penalties (late submission = 0 marks) and extensions policy apply. This
assignment constitutes 100% of the total mark for this module.
Concept and task
Have you ever been introduced to a number of people, but forget their names? Humans are
exceedingly capable of recognising faces previously seen before, but matching names to
faces can be difficult. Imagine having an app running on your device (e.g. smartphone,
glasses) that recognises people and prompts you with their name, to help you avoid blurting
an awkward “I’m sorry but I forgot your name?”.
Person identification is important for a variety of practical tasks, including cybersecurity and
authentication. In this project, you will develop a computer vision system to detect and
identify individuals using a database of known face images (specifically, students in this
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Code specifications
It is recommended you use Matlab (preferably 2018a or later) for the development of the
coursework in this module. Matlab is an exceedingly powerful programming language and
environment for imaging and computer vision, and includes a variety of toolboxes that
provide functionality of interest to this project, including the Computer Vision System
Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, Optimization Toolbox, Neural Networks and Statistics
and Machine Learning Toolbox. As an alternative to Matlab, you are allowed to use Python
with relevant libraries (be sure to follow the “Coursework Python guidelines” document on
Moodle). This is however not recommended, since the lecture notes, code samples and lab
exercises will be based on Matlab. While some help might be provided, academic support
from the lecturers and tutors will be limited to Matlab. If the code will not be properly
packaged to allow for smooth testing, the submission will be marked as a fail.
Project reporting (30%):
Produce relevant documents and materials to describe how you carried out the coursework.
In particular:
• Prepare a project report (maximum 10 pages) in PDF format (20%):
o The report should include an overview of your project followed by a description of
your implemented methods (with more emphasis spent on your best performing
one). Include a brief block diagram showing the key algorithmic components that
are part of your best performing method;
o For each task (i.e. other deliverables), list briefly the requirements that were
implemented. Describe your implementation, review and discuss any relevant
theory underpinning the methodology. If a requirement was skipped, say so;
o If you initially tried approaches that failed, mention these briefly, and provide a
rationale on why they were ineffective;
o Provide qualitative and quantitative analyses of the accuracy of the implemented
methods, and discuss conditions when your best performing method may fail to
achieve the desired result;
o Reference any external source or pretrained models used;
o Include a discussion section reflecting on the project. Consider the strengths and
weaknesses of what you achieved in the time provided. Also discuss how you might
expand the project to improve performance or take it in new directions.
At times you may wish to discuss the methods used with your colleagues. This is
encouraged. However, the coursework is individual. Plagiarism will be dealt with
directly by the Department’s senior staff and may lead to course disqualification. Your
work must be your own and you must cite any and all resources used. Importantly,
while using libraries/code/models found online is allowed and encouraged, you must
not reuse other students’ submissions for this module’s Computer Vision coursework
(either from the sit period or from previous years). Failure to do so, regardless of
proper referencing and acknowledgement, will be treated as academic misconduct and
potentially lead to course disqualification.
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• Provide your commented source code (5%):
o Follow a logical design, organisation, and tidy coding style;
o All code has to be commented (at the block level is sufficient);
o Reference any external source code used;
o Use appropriate naming conventions and display an organised code strategy
through the use of functions.
• Provide a screen capture video in which you test the implemented methods on images
from the evaluation set (that you will create from the provided datasets) (5%):
o The video must be 5 minutes maximum (anything beyond 5 minutes will not be
o It should show the results produced by the implemented methods by displaying the
obtained results on images from the evaluation set;
o The video does not have to be exhaustive, but has to show that your code actually
works and provides some results;
o It has to contain an audio commentary (recorded by you) providing a short but
relevant description of the shown methods as they are executed.
Face recognition (70%)
Develop a Matlab function,
P = RecogniseFace(I, featureType, classifierType)
that returns a matrix P describing the student(s) present in an RGB image I, with I being a
string containing the address of the image file (e.g. I = "test_folder/IMG_6817.JPG"), and not
the image data itself. P should be a matrix of size N x 3, where N is the number of people
detected in the image. The three columns should represent:
o ID: a unique number associated with each person. If the person is present in the
database of individual pictures, the ID is the number held by the person;
o x: the x coordinate of centre of the face for the person detected in the image;
o y: the y coordinate of centre of the face for the person detected in the image.
For example, if the function detects two students in the image, with student with ID=03
having his/her face centred at position [144, 153], and student with ID=13 at position [312,
123], the P matrix would be
P =
03 144 153
13 312 123
During marking, your function will be tested on images not available in the provided
• Implement RecogniseFace so that it correctly identifies the location of faces in both
individual and group images (automatically managing different image orientations).
Executing the function must also automatically display the input image with the face
locations superimposed as bounding boxes together with the students’ IDs (15%);
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• The RecogniseFace function must have two additional arguments, featureType
and classifierType, which allow different features (e.g. SURF, HOG) or classifiers
(e.g. SVMs, MLPs, CNNs) to be used (up to 40%). Use at least three combinations of
features-classifiers. Different points will be awarded for different combinations:
o For each general features-classifier combination (8%);
o For each features-classifier combination using MLP as classifier with hyperparameter
tuning (16%, see below for details);
o For using a CNN classifier (24%). In this case, the content of featureType is not
The points scored for this task will be given by the sum of the implemented
combinations (e.g. correctly implementing a SURF-SVM, a SURF-MLP as well as a HOGMLP
will provide up to 40%). Importantly, at least one combination needs to include a
MLP (multi-layer perceptron) as classifier. For this case, discuss the choice of the
hyper-parameters involved (e.g. number of hidden layers) by evaluating at least a
couple of different implementations (which will still count as one single classifier);
• Add to your report performance metrics (e.g. percentage of faces correctly identified,
confusion matrices) obtained on the evaluation dataset at least for what concerns the
individual images (15%) using the implemented models. At least for your best
performing model, show examples of correct and, if any, incorrect detections on both
individual and group images. For your best performing model, estimate the
quantitative accuracy on at least one group image by manually annotating the
students appearing in it using the individual images as reference.
Implementation notes
• Create a sensible training/evaluation split in the “Coursework Datasets” available on
Moodle. You can use both individual and group images and videos as you see fit;
• For the images in your training set, perform face detection to find faces, and save the
extracted faces as image samples. Associate each sample with a unique label, which has
to be the number held by the person in the individual images. This will produce a
labelled dataset of image samples that can be used for training;
• Throughout the project, feel free to use pre-trained models (excluding ones trained by
other present or past students of this module), but carefully reference them in your
report and produced code;
• (Optional, up to 10%) The association between faces and labels can be done manually,
without the need to apply OCR algorithms to the handheld signs. However, submissions
that will implement this feature in their code will be awarded additional points;
• (Optional, up to 10%) RecogniseFace should be able to assign as many correct IDs as
possible on a previously unseen group image. If some faces do not correspond to any of
the ones available in the individual images (i.e. for students who did not have their
individual picture taken), it could assign individual “unknown” labels (i.e. “unknown 01”,
“unknown 02”, etc.). These labels should be dynamically assigned at test time (i.e. avoid
creating labels for the “unknown” students);
• If no faces are detected, RecogniseFace should return an empty matrix;
• Do not panic if some features-classifier combinations do not provide very accurate
results: this is expected for some of them. The aim of the coursework is to assess your
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ability to properly and effectively implement and evaluate the methods you have
learned in class, not to necessarily achieve extremely high accuracy in all cases;
• Please note that a perfect mark (100%) can be obtained in case of a perfect submission
without implementing the optional tasks. The optional marks will be awarded only to
cover potential deficiencies in the Face Recognition deliverable, and not on the Project
Submission notes
• You should deliver your project by uploading the produced files on Moodle. Avoid
uploading a single .zip file. Instead, your submission must consist of the following,
separately uploaded files:
o The report (PDF format)
o The screen capture video (preferably mp4, but at least readable by VLC player)
o The RecogniseFace function (commented)
o A readme.txt file
o All the other produced code (commented and zipped)
o The trained models (zipped)
• You must upload both the report and the RecogniseFace function separately and
unzipped to allow for Turnitin-based plagiarism checks;
• The readme.txt file must describe all the valid ways to call your RecogniseFace
function (i.e. arguments to pass in as featureType and classifierType) to allow
easy testing on unseen images. It also has to indicate where to place the
RecogniseFace function in the code folder to allow for smooth testing;
• Make sure that your RecogniseFace function can properly execute without runtime
errors by testing your submission on a different computer (perhaps using the facilities
at City, University of London through Remote Desktop). To this end, remember to use
Matlab’s filesep in path descriptions to accommodate for a different OS. If
functions/libraries/packages are used beyond those in the standard City, University of
London Matlab distribution, make sure that these are sufficiently packaged with the
provided source code so that RecogniseFace can run on a machine with Matlab
without having to set up any complicated file paths;
• Include all trained models so that the implemented function can run autonomously
without the need for re-training: your models will not be trained during marking;
• Add the code you produced to train your models to your code submission, but do not
include the image datasets used for training;
• If your models exceed Moodle’s 200MB limit, you can upload your models alone
(report, source code, readme.txt file and screen capture video must be submitted to
Moodle) on a personal cloud space (e.g. Dropbox) and add a link to them in the
readme.txt file together with an indication of where to store them to allow the
seamless execution of your methods. Do not send the link directly to the teaching
staff. Note that apart from the models, all other files need to be uploaded on Moodle:
submissions not following this rule will be marked as fail.
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