Management Research

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


ASB 4115 Management Research

Individual Mid-Terms Assignment (40% weighting)

2500 words - due 20th March 2020 before 4pm

The assignment consists of and introduction, conclusion and three short essays

Part 1:

Define and describe a systematic review of academic literature and explain its process. 750 words

Part II

Identify types of qualitative research strategies and explain how they are used for business and management research.

750 words

Part III

Critically compare and contrast different types of mixed methods research including triangulation design and offer examples of application in business and management research.

750 words

Suggested structure of your Assignment

 Introduction: (125 words)

o A summary of what you have done in the main body in order to achieve the assignment aims (relating to Part I, Part II and Part II).

 Main body Part I: (750 words)

o Start off with defining/ identifying/ describing the key terms as per question

o Explain/ critically describe/ compare and contrast the key terms as per assignment requirement

o Use figures/ illustrations/ models from theory/ textbook etc to support your discussion

 Main body Part II: (750 words)

o Start off with defining/ identifying/ describing the key terms as per question

o Explain/ critically describe/ compare and contrast the key terms as per assignment requirement

o Use figures/ illustrations/ models from theory/ textbook etc to support your discussion

 Main body Part III: (750 words)

o Start off with defining/ identifying/ describing the key terms as per question

o Explain/ critically describe/ compare and contrast the key terms as per assignment requirement

o Use figures/ illustrations/ models from theory/ textbook etc to support your discussion

 Conclude the assignment: (125 Words)

o Summarise the key points you have made pertaining to Part I, Part II and Part III and how your key points have met the assignment objectives.

 The assignment should cite literature throughout.

 References linking to the citations should be included at the end of your work. References are excluded from the word count.

Marking Guidelines


Submitted on time 20th March 2020


2500 words +/- 10%


Includes a front cover WITH NAME, EMAIL AND BANNER NO


Introduction that summarises what you have done in the main body in order to achieve the assignment terms of assessment (relating to Part I, Part II and Part II).


Main section that includes answers to three parts (I, II & III





Each part defines/ identifies/ describes the key terms as per question


Each part Explains/ critically describes/ compares and contrasts the key terms as per assignment requirement


Each part uses figures/ illustrations/ models from theory/ textbook etc to support discussion. These are accurately referenced, clear and relevant to discussion.


Conclusion that summarises the key points you have made pertaining to Part I, Part II and Part III and how your key points have met the assignment objectives.


Harvard Style References; consistent, free from errors and includes textbooks, journal articles etc

Any other Comments:

Agreed Mark Awarded:

1st marker

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