Dissertation Requirements checklist

Saturday, 30 January 2021


This is to inform you that kindly fill up this form which contains requirements that you need in a dissertation. Please fill the form positively and seriously as we will proceed in the dissertation based on this form. You should fill all the sections in the given form.  

*Note: There will be no changes done in the dissertation beyond the information provided in the form. Any extra changes which are not mentioned in the form will require extra word count. 


Page Break 

1. Research Field: IT 

2. Research Title/Topic: Security privacy issues in big data 

3. Total words: 12000 to 15000 

3.1 Chapter wise word count division:no Idea 

4. Country: u.k 

5. Methodology Section: 

Data collection: Primary/Secondary/Mixed? Best onr  

Data Analysis Method: Quantitative/Qualitative/Mix best one 

Analysis tool: SPSS/Likert Scale? No idea 

6. Referencing Style:no idea 


Include the research proposal with the dissertation requirements. Without research proposal, we will not start the dissertation. We will follow each every points mention in the research proposal. Any extra changes which are not mentioned in the proposal and need to be added in the dissertation, will cost you extra word count. 


*We will follow content of every chapters as per Universal manner. If there is any specific information required in particular chapter, kindly mention it initially. If not mentioned, we will proceed as per structure given below and extra word count will be required for further changes.  


*The structure of the dissertation that we follow is mentioned below: 


Chapter 1: Introduction 

1.1 Background of the research 

1.2 Rationale of the study 

1.3 Problem statement 

1.4 Research Aim, Objectives and Questions 

1.5 Thesis Structure 

Chapter 2: Literature Review 

2.1 Introduction 

2.2 Concept of 1st variable  

2.3 Heading related to 1st variable 

2.4 Concept of 2nd Variable 

2.5 Heading related to 2nd variable 

2.6. ………………… 

2.7 …………… 



Chapter 3: Research Methodology 

3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Research Philosophy 

3.3 Research Approach 

3.4 Research Design 

3.5 Data Collection method 

3.6 Sampling Method 

3.7 Data Analysis Method 

3.8 Ethical Consideration 

3.9 Summary 

Chapter 4: Data Findings and Analysis 

4.1 Introduction 

4.2 Quantitative Data Analysis 

4.3 Qualitative Data Analysis 

4.4 Summary 

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation 

5.1 Conclusion 

5.2 Recommendation 

5.3 Future Work 



*If there are any changes in the dissertation structure required from your side, kindly provide required structure at the beginning of the allocation.  


*Please Note: There will be no changes done in the dissertation beyond information provided in the form. Any extra changes which are not mentioned in the form will require extra word count. 






Thanking You 

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